When I Am Afraid

Bible Reading: Psalm 56 Jane jumped when she heard her classroom’s intercom crackle and Principal Long’s voice boom, “Lockdown drill!” Jane’s brain was buzzing, and she couldn’t remember what to do. Do I turn my chair upside down first, or do I kneel on the floor first? Why is it so quiet in here? Oh…

Good Father

Bible Reading: Psalm 27:7-14 Natasha slipped off her backpack with a sigh and took a warm chocolate chip cookie from the plate in front of her. “How was your sleepover at Tracy’s?” Mom asked, pulling off her oven mitts. “It was great,” Natasha mumbled through a bite. “Then why the long face?” Mom plopped down…

No Payment Needed

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:18-21 “Hey, Mom!” Emilia said. “We should have a doctor like the one in this book I’m reading. Instead of making people come to his office when they got sick, he went to their houses. Wouldn’t that be nice?” Mom smiled. “That’s the way it was done a long, long time…

Even Better

Bible Reading: Psalm 16:11; Philippians 1:21-23 On the way home from church, Joanna noticed her brother quietly staring out the window. “What’s wrong, Derek?” she asked. “You’ve hardly said a word since we got in the car.” Derek sighed. “I was just thinking about what Pastor Hill said about Jesus coming again.” Joanna frowned. “Don’t…