A Great Sacrifice

Bible Reading: Romans 12:1-2 Darcy stared at a painting in an art store window of two hands clasped in prayer. “Why would an artist paint hands, Mom?” “That’s a well-known painting,” Mom said. “I recently read an article about it. The artist’s name was Albrecht Durer, and it’s believed he painted the hands of someone…

Forgive Me, Forgive Me

Bible Reading: 1 John 1:5-9 “And please forgive me for the lie I told. In Jesus’ name, amen.” Heidi climbed into bed, and Mom gave her a kiss and turned out the light. After lying to her mother a few days earlier, Heidi had asked God to forgive her—but every now and then she still…

The Mother Hen

Bible Reading: Psalm 91:1-6 Grandma looked up from making breakfast when Jacob came into the kitchen. “You look tired,” she said. Jacob yawned. “I was up a lot last night because of the storm.” “It sure was noisy!” Grandma said as she began mixing pancake batter. “I was up some myself.” “Did Grandpa go to…

Remember Me

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-27 “Hey, Dad,” said Malachi as he and his family were on their way home from a visit with their grandmother, “what do you want written on your tombstone?” “What a question!” said Mom. “Why are you asking that?” Malachi laughed. “While you were visiting with Grandma, Nevaeh and I went…

Bitterness Trap

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-10; Hebrews 13:5 When Rayna went into the kitchen, Mom was putting the finishing touches on her birthday cake. “It looks like the ants have decided to come to your party,” Mom told her. “Aunt Joyce and Aunt Linda?” Rayna asked. Mom laughed. “No, those ants!” she said, pointing to the…

Tomorrow’s Tears

Bible Reading: Job 1:1-3, 13-21; 3:25; Matthew 6:33-34 Mom found Becca crying in the backyard, watching her dog, Sheba, paw at leaves in the flower bed. “What’s the matter, honey?” “I don’t want Sheba to get sick,” Becca said. “I know the vet took that lump off her leg, but she said it could come…

Birdseed on the Fence

Bible Reading: James 1:17 Elliot put down his fork and sighed. “Thanks for dinner, Mom. It was great!” Mom smiled. “Well, thank you, Elliot,” she said. “I know lasagna is your favorite, but you seem to have enjoyed it more than usual.” “Yeah, but it wasn’t just the lasagna. This whole day has been great!”…

Remote Control (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Luke 17:11-19 “I sure hope we get remote control race cars for our birthday,” said Bryce as he and his twin brother walked home from school. “Me too,” said Andrew, “but with Dad out of work, you know we won’t get them.” He kicked at a stone on the sidewalk. “Don’t be so…