A Son Forever

Bible Reading: Luke 15:11-24 Brock was sprawled on his bed with a book when Seth, his older brother, came into the room. “Hey, Brock, did you know that Dakota Smith talked with Pastor Briggs after church yesterday and decided to trust Jesus as his Savior?” “That’s good,” Brock said halfheartedly. “Maybe he’ll stay out of…

A Light to Share

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:14-16 “Come on, Dad. We’re ready,” called Lina. They had all gathered for family night. It was storming outside, but in the den, they felt snug and cozy with plenty of games and popcorn. “Coming,” Dad called from the bedroom. Just then the power went out. “Oh no!” said Manuel. “No lights!”…

Untamed Tongue

Bible Reading: James 3:3-10 Why didn’t you invite Jase to come camping with us?” Dad asked as he and Thatcher sat beside their campfire. Thatcher looked at his dad. “His mother’s in a mental hospital!” “Yes,” Dad said. “She’s getting the help she needs for her mental health.” “I knew she was in a hospital,…

Stinky Towels

Bible Reading: Isaiah 64:4-8 “Who’s first in shower line-up tonight?” Mom asked at the dinner table. “I’ll go first,” Kyle volunteered. “But I’ve been meaning to tell you—the bath towels, they…well, they stink!” His brother snickered. “Yeah,” Chris said. “I’ve noticed that too.” Mom glanced at them and then at Dad. He cleared his throat….

Hugo’s Rescue

Bible Reading: 1 John 5:9-13 Rose sat forward in her seat, her eyes riveted to the screen. “Oh, no!” she exclaimed as Hugo, the main character in the movie they were watching, fell into the ocean while trying to get the sail of his ship down. “What will happen to Hugo now? He was sailing…

Not So White

Bible Reading: Psalm 51:7; Philippians 2:1-11 “I’m glad I’m not like Rachel.” Beth gazed at the falling snow through the car window as she spoke. “What do you mean?” Mom asked with a slight frown. “Well, Rachel is kinda—oh, I don’t know—stuck on herself a bit,” Beth replied. “Whenever we talk, she does most of…

Send Out the Search Party

Bible Reading: Psalm 139: 23-24; Jeremiah 17:10 “Why is there an old apple core inside a crinkled chip bag under your pillow?” Dad asked when Karis came into the kitchen. Karis smirked. “I think the real question is why were you looking under my pillow?” “I was just following my nose,” said Dad. “Your room…

Not a Sore Thumb

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; 1 Peter 3:15-18 When Jordan got home from school, his little brother Zeb met him at the door. “Look what I got.” Zeb proudly held out his thumb, which was wrapped in a thick bandage. “I banged my thumb.” “Ouch!” said Jordan. “How does it feel now?” “Better,” said Zeb,…

In the Way

Bible Reading: John 1:11-14 “Mittens, you’re driving me crazy!” Mei said as she stepped over her cat. “What’s Mittens doing?” Mom asked. “Nothing, but I always have to step over him. I’ve actually stepped on his tail lots of times,” Mei said. “I don’t do it on purpose, but he always gets under my feet….

The Diary

Bible Reading: Titus 3:1-8 “Thanks, Anya,” Naomi said when she opened the birthday present from her sister. “A diary. I love it!” “Read your book to me!” said Naomi’s little brother, Micah. Naomi laughed. “I can’t—the pages are all empty.” She flipped through them so he could see. “This is a book for me to…