More Honey, Less Vinegar

Bible Reading: Psalm 133:1–3 “Mom!” Paige wailed down the hall. “Bobby got into my room again! And he messed up my jewelry!” “I’m sorry, honey,” Mom said when she came to see the damage. “I’ll try to watch him more closely.” The toddler loved to go into his sister’s room and open her drawers, color…

Hospitality Habits

Bible Reading: Romans 12:9-13 Hannah gave herself a quick look in the mirror while Faith twirled around in her new skirt. “Girls!” Mom called. “Our company is almost here!” The sisters giggled and raced down the hall. A few minutes later, Mrs. Kelly arrived with her daughter Brittany, who was about the girls’ age, and…

Incredible Saguaros (Part 2)

Bible Reading: Romans 12:9-13 “Look!” said Rylee, stepping back from the huge saguaro cactus. “There’s something in that hole!” Dad and Easton came over to see. Sure enough, a pair of blinking yellow eyes peered back at them from a hole in the trunk of the cactus. “I think it’s a screech owl,” said Easton….

A Friend of Sinners

Bible Reading: Luke 6:27-36 Max strung out a long piece of cheese and took a bite of his pepperoni pizza. He loved this restaurant—it had tons of fun games. This would’ve been the best day ever except for the mean kid. He looked across the table at his mother. “Mom, see that tall kid over…