Too Many People

Bible Reading: Psalm 127:3–5; Matthew 19:13–14 “Hey, except for you, I’m the only one up!” Emerson said as he ate a bowl of cereal one morning. He grinned at his mother. “Mom, do you ever wish you didn’t have all six of us kids?” Mom looked at him in surprise. “Of course not! Whatever made…

Leaving Tracks

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1-4 Miles stomped his feet to warm them while he waited at the edge of the woods for his grandpa and sister, Callie. When they caught up with him, Callie pointed. “What animal made these tracks, Grandpa?” Grandpa crouched in the fresh snow to peer at the tracks. “Let’s see. Four toes…

Best Friends

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Mom, it’s going to be so great having Piper live right across the street!” Ava told her mother as she got ready to go help her best friend’s family move things into their new house. “Now we can sit together on the school bus and go to each other’s houses…

Invalid Request

Bible Reading: Psalm 66:16-20; 1 John 5:14-15 “Mom!” called Piper. “I’m making party invitations on the computer, and something’s wrong!” Mom came and looked over her shoulder. “See?” Piper pointed to two words in the middle of the screen. “It says, ‘Invalid request.’ What does that mean?” “It means you pressed a key that asked…