Pray for Your Enemies

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:44-48; Ephesians 4:32 “No, not Amie! Now we’re really gonna lose!” The entire team sighed in unison as Amie approached the plate and waited for the kickball. She hadn’t felt well all morning, and now the weight of her teammates’ disgust seemed to make her insides churn even more. Just as the…

A Pack of Worries

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-7 “What if I don’t make the team, Dad?” Felix asked as they hiked a rugged trail. He had spent most of their backpacking trip finding things to worry about. “Felix, I bet by now you’ve listed a dozen things that worry you,” Dad said. “I could understand your concerns if we…

The Answer

Bible Reading: Psalm 40:1-5, 16-17 After a simple dinner one evening, Dad read out loud from his Bible. “‘I did not give up waiting for the Lord. And He turned to me and heard my cry.’” Dad looked up. “That’s a good verse for us. We need to be patient and keep trusting the Lord…

Sitting Still

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Trent looked at the fish lying in the bucket at Grandpa’s feet and frowned. “Why are they biting for you and not me?” he asked. “Well, you keep pulling in your line to check the bait and moving to different sides of the boat,” Grandpa said. “If you want to…

Just Trust

Bible Reading: Isaiah 26:3-4 Just as Mom and Alana were sitting down to eat lunch, the door opened and Dad walked in. His clothes and face were dirty, and his hand was bandaged. “What happened?” cried Mom. “The apartments near my factory caught on fire, and several of us ran to help,” Dad said. “You’re…

Foggy Faith

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6; 1 Corinthians 13:12; Hebrews 11:1 Mallory blew her nose. Again. “Mom, how long do allergies last?” she asked as they drove away from the doctor’s office. Mom smiled sympathetically. “The doctor said you have seasonal allergies, so you’ll probably have them the next couple of months.” “Great,” said Mallory glumly. She…

Silent Friend

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1-4 “Hey, Dad,” Nate said as he plopped down on the couch next to his father, “today I tried to be kind like Jesus, but it didn’t work.” “Really?” asked Dad. “What happened?” “I tried to be friendly to Paul—he’s new at school—but he’d hardly talk to me. I asked if he…

Tomorrow’s Tears

Bible Reading: Job 1:1-3, 13-21; 3:25; Matthew 6:33-34 Mom found Becca crying in the backyard, watching her dog, Sheba, paw at leaves in the flower bed. “What’s the matter, honey?” “I don’t want Sheba to get sick,” Becca said. “I know the vet took that lump off her leg, but she said it could come…

The Prayer Closet

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:5-8 Dante heard someone calling his name. “Amen,” he said quickly, then opened his closet door to find his dad standing in the middle of his room. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you,” Dad said, “but I’m curious. Why were you praying in your closet?” “Well, I always pray beside my bed,”…

Up, Up, and Away

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-9 “How many balloons are there?” Malachi asked as he and his father walked toward the crowd of people. They were all waiting to see a group of hot air balloons lift off the ground. “I don’t know,” replied Dad, “but this is a huge event. People come from all over to…