Feeling Itchy-Scratchy

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 13 “I need that red marker!” said Olive, snatching it from her brother, Garrett. “I had it first!” She dropped it on the table and bent to scratch a big mosquito bite on her leg. “Oh, won’t this ever go away?” she moaned. Olive straightened up and reached for the…

A Lesson in Sacrifice

Bible Reading: John 15:12–13 “Are you ready?” Uncle Rick shouted over the sound of the boat’s motor. “All ready!” Alex and Susan responded in unison. As they slowly moved forward, the long rope connecting Alex and Susan’s tube to the back of the boat began to tighten, and so did their stomachs. This was their…

Moving Day

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:12–18 It was moving day. Alaina sat sullenly in the back seat as her mom followed the moving truck Dad was driving. She let out a heavy sigh and started complaining . . . again. “I don’t want to move. I don’t want to leave my friends, and I don’t want to…

A Friend Like Beau

Bible Reading: John 15:12–14, 17 When Lacey and her brother Julian came home from school, the family dog ran to meet them. “Hey there, Beau,” said Lacey. She reached down to pet him as he bounced back and forth between her and Julian, eagerly wagging his tail. “Hi, kids. How was school today?” asked Mom….

More Honey, Less Vinegar

Bible Reading: Psalm 133:1–3 “Mom!” Paige wailed down the hall. “Bobby got into my room again! And he messed up my jewelry!” “I’m sorry, honey,” Mom said when she came to see the damage. “I’ll try to watch him more closely.” The toddler loved to go into his sister’s room and open her drawers, color…

The Not-So-Friendly Rabbit

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 3:8-12 “Can I take Casper to school tomorrow?” asked Max one evening. “You can’t take your rabbit to school,” said his older brother, Kolton. “Where would you keep him? In your desk?” He laughed at the idea. Max made a face at his brother. “We have a rabbit in our classroom,…

Let’s Roll

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 9:3-11; Luke 14:13-14 “Lose your kickball scrimmage?” Dad asked. Jason buckled his seatbelt. “No. It’s Adrian again.” “The boy who uses a wheelchair?” Dad grinned. “He’s funny.” “Dad! Should you say that about someone who can’t walk?” “Why not? He wears a T-shirt that says ‘A Wheelchair Is How I Roll.’”…


Bible Reading: Psalm 34:13-14; Hebrews 12:14-15 “I know, but that’s what Bianca said.” Kaylee switched the phone to her other ear. “She told me she was sick of hearing you whine all the time. I can’t help it if she says mean things about you.” After talking a little longer, Kaylee put down her phone…

Honor and Kindness

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:12-14; 1 John 4:21 “I’m open!” Will called to his teammate who was slowly dribbling the basketball down the court with a slight limp. “Come on, Andy! We don’t have all day!” Tweet! The high pitch of Coach’s whistle echoed in the gym. “Time-out!” he called. “Everyone take a seat.” After everyone…

School Bus Stop

Bible Reading: Isaiah 1:16-20 The school bus was expected any minute, so Ethan shoveled his cereal into his mouth. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his baby sister, Anna, pick up his tablet. He dropped his spoon, darted across the kitchen, and snatched it from her hands. “Don’t touch that!” he…