The Puzzle

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:10 “You’re still here?” asked Dad, descending the basement stairs to see his son sitting on the floor, surrounded by jigsaw puzzle pieces. “Shouldn’t you be playing basketball?” “I don’t want to play,” answered John. “It’s not a fair game anymore. My friends keep getting taller, but I stay the same. I’d…

Invisible Hands

Bible Reading: Psalm 18:31-36 “I knew I’d win a prize. I just knew it!” Josh stroked the shiny blue ribbon he was holding and grinned, remembering how quickly his horse had stood straight and still, with ears flicked forward. “Blaze was the best because he had the best trainer—me!” “You did a good job training…

Another Titanic

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 9:23-24; 1 Peter 5:5-6 “My English report is due tomorrow, and I’m going to have the best one in the class!” announced Marshall as he and his dad got ready to play a game of ping pong. “Most of the kids write the dumbest essays you’ve ever seen! I also got the…

Fruit Roll

Bible Reading: Galatians 5:22-25 The pocket of Cora’s red sweater bulged. She didn’t want Miss Allen to notice, so she quickly slipped into her seat. She removed a big orange from her pocket and hid it behind the box of crayons in her desk. The morning dragged by. Usually Cora liked reading class, but not…