Finish the Race

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:24–27; 2 Timothy 4:7–8 Tara and her dad were training for her first 5K race. Her dad, who was an experienced runner, had been running with her a little bit longer each day to build up her stamina. Today, they were going to try to make it the entire five kilometers….

Source of Help

Bible Reading: Psalm 121; Isaiah 41:10 “Wow, Dad! Did you see those fish?” Aisha’s eyes sparkled as she lifted her face out of the water and adjusted her snorkeling mask. “I sure did!” Dad said. “Those little blue ones look like some they have in aquariums at the pet store.” “And I almost touched one…

Under Construction

Bible Reading: Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4 “Why are we stopping?” Trent asked as they came to a stop behind a line of cars. Ashlynn poked her head out the window. “It’s construction. I can see a bulldozer and a woman with a sign.” “Oh no!” said Trent. “We’ll be late! It’s bad enough being new…