Watch Out for Sheep

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-12; Isaiah 40:11 “I shouldn’t have let you see my test paper,” Lance said as he and his friend Joel walked home after school. “I think I should tell Mr. Grant I cheated.” “Why would you do that?” asked Joel. “You didn’t cheat. I did.” “But I helped you,” said Lance, “so…

Leaving Tracks

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1-4 Miles stomped his feet to warm them while he waited at the edge of the woods for his grandpa and sister, Callie. When they caught up with him, Callie pointed. “What animal made these tracks, Grandpa?” Grandpa crouched in the fresh snow to peer at the tracks. “Let’s see. Four toes…

Window Shopping

Bible Reading: Read: Titus 2:7-8, 11-14 As Bryan and his dad walked through the mall, Bryan talked about how he and some kids from church had collected cans from people around the neighborhood for a fundraising project. “When I knocked on Mr. Martin’s door, he wouldn’t give me any cans to take back to church….

The Mime

Bible Reading: Luke 10:25-37; 1 John 3:16-19 As Baker and his mom got off the ferris wheel, he pointed to a crowd of people. “Can we go see what’s going on over there?” Mom nodded, and they walked over and joined the crowd. They saw a man with a painted face acting out various skits….