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September 10, 2022
Bible Reading: Luke 15:8-10 Marci loved watching her pet crawdad, Lulu. At night, Lulu would come out of her home at the bottom of the fish tank and start moving rocks around. It seemed like she was always changing things. Another thing Lulu liked to do was escape. Marci would get up some mornings and… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 15:10
September 9, 2022
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:26; 10:29-31 “Ouch!” yelled Violet, tripping headlong into a pile of boxes that lined the hallway. Moving day was only five days away, and the house was a mess. She slowly untangled herself and got to her feet. “I hate moving,” she said. “I don’t want to leave my friends. I especially… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:7
September 8, 2022
Bible Reading: Revelation 20:11-15 “Let’s see, Mrs. Garcia ordered four boxes of chocolate chip cookies, Aunt Katie wants one box of oatmeal raisin and one box of double chocolate delight, and Mrs. Jones gets three boxes of sugar cookies,” Lina murmured to herself. She was taking part in a fundraiser for her school and had… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 10:20
September 7, 2022
Bible Reading: Psalm 33:4-9; John 16:33 “Ow!” Ian wailed as his mom rubbed a baking soda mixture on a bee sting. “It still hurts! Why did God make bees, anyway?” “I didn’t hear you complaining when you were spreading honey on your toast this morning,” said Mom. “But hang on—I’ll get you some ice to… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:68
September 6, 2022
Bible Reading: Psalm 19:1-4; Isaiah 40:26 “Wow, look at all the stars, Cory!” Sam exclaimed, pointing up at the sky. “It’s the perfect night for stargazing.” “I’ve never seen so many stars before,” Cory said. “The city lights from street lamps and buildings block out most of the stars where I live.” “I’m so glad… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 147:4
September 5, 2022
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:23-24; Romans 12:17-19; Colossians 3:13 Alayna placed two fluffy pillows on a chair and turned to survey her bedroom. “It was so much fun fixing up this room!” she said. “The curtains and quilt we made are so pretty, and they look so good with the new paint. Even my old furniture… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 18:15
September 4, 2022
Bible Reading: Romans 3:22-26 Michael bolted out of the car and ran to the dock. His special day was finally here! Mom had secretly saved some money for a special treat: a water tour of the spectacular rock formations on the coast near their hometown. When they were finally out on the water, Michael couldn’t… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 3:23-24
September 3, 2022
Bible Reading: Matthew 7:24-27 “I don’t want you to move out,” Jenna said with a cry as she gave her big sister another hug. “This is my last year of elementary school. How can I face it without you here?” Melanie eased back and knelt down on the driveway. She wiped a tear away from… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 18:2
September 2, 2022
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Cole turned over to avoid the sunlight streaming through the window and snuggled back down under the covers. Then he remembered he was at his grandparents’ farm for a visit. Quickly, he jumped out of bed, got dressed, and went to the kitchen where Grandma was fixing breakfast. “Grandpa is… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 Peter 3:18
September 1, 2022
Bible Reading: Mark 4:35-4 Lightning flashed and thunder boomed, rattling the house and flooding the living room with flashes of light. Moments later, there was a thud of feet hitting the floor, followed by quick footsteps. Mom looked up from the sofa to see six-year-old Matthew standing outside his bedroom door, his face filled with… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Mark 4:39