Survival Kit

Bible Reading: Psalm 1:1-6 “We did a fun thing in science today,” Haneul told his mom as he packed his suitcase for a weekend with his grandparents. “We had to get into groups and decide which items we would include in our survival kit if we were taking a trip to the moon. Our teacher…

Persistent Coco

Bible Reading: Luke 11:5-10 “Coco, not now, I’m busy,” Laney said as she turned a page in her book. But Laney’s chocolate-colored cat continued to scratch on the door, wanting to go outside. Coco loved to chase the birds and butterflies and lounge on the porch swing, and she wouldn’t stop scratching until someone let…

Where’s God?

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Psalm 139:7-10 Ava lay on the sofa, her face pale, her bald head a circle against the pillow. Medical treatments had caused her hair to fall out. Her grandmother looked over just as Ava dabbed a tear from her eye. “What’s wrong, honey?” asked Grandma. “Not feeling so good today?” “I’m…

Snack Time with Jesus

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:35-40 Hearing his mom scream, Jeffery dropped his game controller and ran to the kitchen. He found her with a cabinet’s contents spread on the counter before her. “Mom, what’s wrong?” “Oh, Jeffery, I didn’t mean to scare you. Your mother is simply losing her mind. I know I bought a box…

Beautiful Feet

Bible Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10; Romans 10:13-17 “I hate my feet!” said Madison. “They’re too big.” “They are not!” replied Emory, her older sister. “You’re tall, so you need bigger feet to move around and hold you up.” She grinned. “I think your feet are beautiful.” Madison laughed. “Thanks. I wish everyone felt that way. Sometimes…

Safety Net

Bible Reading: Psalm 91 Natia and Lexi sat in the grass waiting for the bus. Lexi was quiet this morning; she had something on her mind. “What are you thinking about?” Natia asked. Lexi looked up. “I was just thinking about a conversation I had with my mom yesterday. She talked to me about something…

Double Trouble (Part 2)

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-14; Jeremiah 1:5 “Hey, watch it!” Kole poked his twin brother with the end of his broom. “You’re stepping in my dirt pile!” “Whoops,” said Zeke. “Sorry.” He took a few steps back and began sweeping the opposite side of the garage. “I can’t believe I’m sweeping dust bunnies on a beautiful…

Double Trouble (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-6, 23-24; Hebrews 4:13-16 “Okay, remember the plan,” Zeke told his twin brother Kole as they traded sweatshirts in the bathroom. “Try not to talk to anyone before the test. Once the tests are finished it’ll be lunchtime and we can meet back here to trade our sweatshirts back.” Kole nodded as…

The Perfect Pizza

Bible Reading: Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Dad put on his apron. “Well, my little chefs, are you ready to make our delicious pizza?” Piper and Jerrie smiled. “Yes!” “Okay, Piper, while Jerrie is rolling the dough, you start preparing the toppings.” “Okay, Dad. Hmm, let’s see what we have here. Cheese, no. Sausage, no….

Castle in the Sand

Bible Reading: Luke 6:47-49 “Better hurry up and build a wall around your castle,Tess! The tide is coming in,” said Beckham. “One big wave and it’ll be washed away.” “Will you help me? Please?” begged Tess, handing her brother a pail and shovel. Water washed around her feet and then went back toward the ocean,…