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October 20, 2022
Bible Reading: Isaiah 61:10; Revelation 19:5-9 Olive and Elliot were excited about the costume party their youth group was going to have. There was going to be a prize for the best homemade character costume. “I hope I win first prize,” Olive said as she worked on her princess costume. She showed Elliot a little… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Isaiah 61:10
October 19, 2022
Bible Reading: John 15:12-15; Romans 5:6-8 Ethan was so excited. He and his dad were at a basketball game, and Ethan hoped to get close enough to his hero—Jordan Williams—to speak with him. In Ethan’s mind, Jordan was the greatest basketball player of all time. Ethan knew all the stats about Jordan. He hadn’t missed… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 15:13
October 18, 2022
Bible Reading: James 4:6-10 As Avi came into the kitchen, he spied a plate with an assortment of candies on the counter. Oh! That candy looks so good! He glanced at the clock. He wasn’t allowed to have snacks this close to dinnertime, but Mom had gone upstairs. Avi walked closer and looked at the… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: James 4:7
October 17, 2022
Bible Reading: Romans 1:15-16 Rodrigo stood in his front yard, tossing a baseball into the air. He grinned as his friend pulled up on his bike. “Hey, Damon!” “Hey!” Damon stopped and kicked the bike stand into place. He handed Rodrigo a small present. “Happy birthday!” “Thanks!” Rodrigo grinned. “I also got this new mitt… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 6:23
October 16, 2022
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 5:18-19; James 1:17 The music stopped, and Ellie frantically tried to sit down on the chair she had just passed. She was too late, and she laughed with the other kids when she saw she was out of the musical chairs game. Wearing brightly colored paper hats, the kids were having a… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:17
October 15, 2022
Bible Reading: James 5:13-15 Gavin walked to the end of the dock and sat down. He let his bare feet touch the water and stared off into the distance. “Whatcha doing?” Dad asked, sitting down next to Gavin. “Just thinking about things.” Gavin swirled his feet around in the water. “Anything you want to talk… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 8:38-39
October 14, 2022
Bible Reading: Psalm 27:1-5; John 16:33; Hebrews 11:1 Editor’s note: This story addresses war and may not be suitable for some children. Alina held tightly to Pursia, her fluffy white cat. She could see her mom’s creased forehead in the car’s rearview mirror, and it reflected the fear Alina felt squeezing her own heart. On… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Joshua 1:9
October 13, 2022
Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:24-28 Ambrose’s eyes widened as he glanced at the change the clerk had given him and then at the ten-dollar bill she was placing into the cash drawer. He quickly stuffed the money into his pocket, picked up the candy bar he had bought, and hurried out the door. Wow! thought Ambrose…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:21
October 12, 2022
Bible Reading: Genesis 11:1-9; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:1-8; 17:26-27 The sun felt so hot Keisha thought she might melt like the chocolate she left in the jeep yesterday. “How much farther to the market?” she asked Fatmata. “Not far!” answered her new friend. Keisha had met Fatmata that morning, her first day at her new… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 28:19
October 11, 2022
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 “Mom, can you help me tie a string around my finger?” Abby held out string and a pair of scissors. “I never heard of it before, but Tina’s grandma told us she used to tie a string around her finger to help her remember things. So this should help me… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:24