Runaway Dog

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:12-14 “Frank! Frank, come here, boy!” Zebb stepped back into the house and closed the sliding door with a sigh. “I think he ran away again. I’ve called him and called him, and he still hasn’t come!” Mom looked up from her computer and frowned. “Oh no. Dad must have forgotten to…

Who Does It Hurt? (Part 2)

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:12-15 “You brought my favorite board game!” exclaimed Hattie and Cleo’s uncle when they came to visit him in the hospital. The girls happily set it up, and they were playing when a man entered the room. “Hi, Kyle,” said Uncle Dale cheerfully. “Hattie, Cleo—meet Kyle Turner.” The girls smiled and waved….

Who Does It Hurt? (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Romans 14:7-13 Hattie lay on her bed in the dark, thinking about Uncle Dale. He was in the hospital, badly hurt. He might even die. “Cleo,” she whispered, “are you asleep?” “No,” came the answer from the other bed. “I wish Mom and Dad would get home from the hospital.” “Dad said the…

Too Much of a Good Thing

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:23–11:1 Devin was playing on his tablet when it suddenly went dark. “Mom,” he called, “my time ran out. Can I please have more time? I want to finish building my defenses.” “Sorry, Devin,” Mom answered. “You’ve had enough time on the tablet today.” “Please, Mom!” Devin begged, but Mom quietly…

Caring for Chipper

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:25-34 Lilly loved volunteering at the animal shelter with Granddaddy in the summer. Chipper was her new favorite rescue dog. Every Saturday they came to walk, bathe, feed, and play with him. Lilly brushed the knots out of Chipper’s fur. “Hold still, Chipper!” she said. “There. He’s ready for his bath. Do…

Sweet but Sinful

Bible Reading: Romans 3:21-24 Several old picture albums and many loose photographs were scattered over the living room floor. “I’d like to rearrange our albums with captions above the pictures,” explained Mom when Greta and Marnie asked what she was doing. “You can sort these photos and see if you can come up with something…

Just Like Dad

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-10 One day when Nathan and his dad were shopping, an elderly man walked up to them. “Excuse me,” the man said. “My name is Bill Cook. I’ve been watching the two of you, and I can’t help but notice how much both of you look like someone I went to…

Baby Chicks

Bible Reading: Psalm 104:24-31; 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Sara! Lauren!” Mom said as she walked into the twins’ bedroom. “Mimi called and said the baby chicks are going to be hatching in a couple days. She invited you both to the farm for the weekend.” Sara and Lauren jumped up and down with excitement. They loved…

The Best Good Deed

Bible Reading: Isaiah 53:5-6; 64:6; Ephesians 2:8-9 After placing dishes full of fragrant food on the table, Sunita sat down and sighed. “What’s wrong, my love?” Mummy asked after they thanked God for their meal. “Last week I made a plan to do a good deed every day. Or at least not a bad one….

Too Soon

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 “We’re harvesting tomatoes today!” Aunt Micki said when Landon and Baleigh arrived. She handed them each a basket. “Be careful to only pick the red ones—the green ones aren’t ready yet.” Baleigh was excited to help in the garden, but Landon sighed as he started picking tomatoes. He’d wanted to stay…