Sweeter Than Choco-Cakes

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:97-104 Gabriella read Mom’s grocery list as she walked down the familiar aisles at the store. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a box of chocolate cream-filled snack cakes sitting on the shelf, and her mouth watered. I wish Mom had put Choco-Cakes on this list, she thought. As…

The Relay Race

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:17-29 Dimitri stood in place on the race track, alert and ready to spring into action for the final lap of the relay race. When his teammate passed him the baton, Dimitri sprinted down the track and was soon at full speed. Pushing himself to his limit, he zoomed ahead of his…

A Bit of Beauty

Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:1-5; Hebrews 4:14-16 As Noel stood near the visitor center on Trail Ridge Road, she could see patches of snow far up on the mountainsides. The few trees in the area above the timberline had been dwarfed and twisted by the icy winds of winter. But summer had come, and tiny white…


Bible Reading: John 13:34-35; Romans 5:6-8; Galatians 5:22-23 On a Saturday morning hike, Jude and his father came to the entrance of a tunnel that went under a road. “Hello in there!” Jude called out. “Hello!” “Hello…” came the sound of an echo. “Hello…” Jude grinned. “I’m Jude!” he shouted. “Jude!” “Jude…Jude…” his voice echoed…

Tonsils Out

Bible Reading: Psalm 56:3-4; 1 Peter 5:7 Casey sat on the porch swing clutching her favorite stuffed animal, an elephant named Tiny. “Tiny, I’m scared! I don’t want to have my tonsils out tomorrow.” Mom overheard Casey talking to Tiny and walked out onto the porch. Casey began to cry, and Mom held her close….

Unexpected Fruit

Bible Reading: Mark 4:13-20 “Mom! Dad!” called Jayden as he raced into the house. “Come quick! I think a watermelon is growing in the backyard!” “Really?” asked Dad. “That ground out back is so poor and rocky. I wouldn’t think a watermelon could grow there.” “But there is one!” insisted Jayden. “Come and see.” “We’ll…

Give and Get

Bible Reading: Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 “What are you going to do with that?” Chloe asked when she saw her sister grab five dollars from her dresser before church. “We’re taking an offering today for the missions project,” Taryn told her. “Did you forget?” “Guess so,” replied Chloe. But I’m not giving five whole…

Boat Ride

Bible Reading: John 3:16-17 It was a perfect day out on the lake—the air was hot and the water was cool. Gracie enjoyed the breeze as her dad motored their boat across the water. “Okay, Teddy, you sit here and watch while I swim,” Gracie told her teddy bear when the boat had stopped. She…

Something Special

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Hebrews 10:22-25 “Wow,” said Jace as he stared at his cousin Cody’s backyard. “Two tree forts—with a rope bridge between them!” He shook his head. “You’ve got everything!” Cody shrugged. Jace climbed up the ladder. “Do you come here all the time?” He coughed and batted the air. “Ugh. I…

The Comforter

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:2-5 As Amayah lay across the bed, sobbing, a tattered pink blanket was shoved up close to her. “Sissy, you can have my blanket.” A tiny hand patted Amayah’s head, and she turned and looked into the troubled eyes of her little sister, Peyton. “My blanket will make you feel all…