Reserved Seats

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9 “Hurry, Dad!” urged Archer as he and his father sped down the freeway toward the baseball stadium. It was his first time going to a major league baseball game, and he didn’t want to miss any part of it. “If we’re late, we might not find a good place to…

A Different Way

Bible Reading: Psalm 105:1-8; Luke 12:22-31 Emma lay in bed, listening to her parents’ voices on the other side of the wall. “We can’t afford a vacation this year, Lindsey.” Dad’s voice sounded sad. Emma could barely hear her mother’s worried voice. “How are we going to pay this bill, Jeff?” Emma huddled deeper under…

A Gift of Me

Bible Reading: Galatians 5:13-14; 6:9-10 Fifty cents is all the money I have left, and that won’t buy much of a gift for Mrs. Morgan, Ivy thought as she passed Mrs. Morgan’s house. It was just the kind of day her neighbor liked—cool air and lots of bright sunshine. But Mrs. Morgan was sick and…

Blind Spots

Bible Reading: Job 29:1-3; Psalm 119:105 “How did your driving test go?” Alex asked her older sister when Becky walked into the house with Dad. Becky gave a sigh. “I failed!” “What happened?” asked Alex. “I nearly got into an accident. I was trying to change lanes and a car appeared from nowhere and I…

What’s in the Water

Bible Reading: Luke 6:45; James 3:8-13 “Your turn to pray, Carlos,” said Maria when their family sat down to eat. “Okay.” Carlos bowed his head. “Thank you, God, for this day and this food…” When Carlos looked up a moment later, he groaned. “Oh no! Not broccoli again! I hate broccoli—and I don’t like chicken…

Weeds and Flowers

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4, 11-13 It’s not fair, Tayden thought as he pulled weeds out of the flower beds in front of his house. All my friends are at the water park today, but because I can’t get the bandage on my foot wet, I’m stuck weeding. He thought of everything that had happened that…

Different Kinds of Seeds

Bible Reading: Galatians 6:7-10 Mia and her brother Caden were getting ready to plant a small vegetable garden. “I’ll get the seeds,” said Caden. “They’re in my room.” But Caden soon returned empty-handed. “I put the seeds on my desk, but they’re gone!” he said. “Let’s go ask Mom if she’s seen them.” Mia and…

Treasure in Heaven

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19-21 Amelia looked down at her paint-splattered T-shirt and jeans and shook her head. “I’m trying to keep it on the wall.” Her dad grinned. “Me too, but look at my hair.” Amelia’s eyes widened. “What if the blue never comes out?” “Then I guess I’ll have blue hair,” Dad said. “You…

A Reason to Celebrate

Bible Reading: John 8:31-36 “Grandpa, look at that one!” exclaimed Easton as a burst of colorful sparks filled the air. He watched in awe as the twirling sparks wove patterns of color in the sky as they made their way down to the earth. “It’s the best one yet.” The fireworks display was spectacular. Amid…

Just Take It

Bible Reading: Romans 4:5-8; Ephesians 2:8-9 “Gotcha!” Eli shouted as he took another of Adrian’s game pieces off the board. Adrian groaned, then gave Eli a playful shove. “Adrian,” said Eli’s mom as she came into the room, “you’re welcome to stay for dinner if you’d like. I’m making roast chicken and biscuits.” “Really? Thanks!”…