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October 22, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 37:23-31 “You know how I’ve always wanted to be a doctor?” asked Ethan as he helped himself to a drumstick at his grandparents’ house. “Well, we had a special visitor at church last week—a surgeon from a mission hospital in Africa. They need lots more doctors there, so maybe I’ll go to… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 37:23
October 21, 2023
Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:8-9; Revelation 21:2, 23-27 Judah played outside near his dad, who was working on his car and listening to a sermon on his phone. Judah heard clips of the message—something about a very important book God keeps. The pastor called it the Book of Life. He said only people whose names were… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 10:20
October 20, 2023
Bible Reading: Matthew 26:69-75 Maddie buried her face in her pillow. She heard footsteps come into her room and then her mom’s voice. “Maddie, what happened?” “Alexa.” Maddie didn’t move. “I was waiting for her by the bus, and she walked right past me.” “She did?” Mom frowned. “Did you two have a fight?” “No,”… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:5
October 19, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalms 138:8; 139:1-6 “I wish I was good at sports,” complained Quinn. “I was playing kickball with the neighbor kids and totally missed the ball when it was my turn to kick…twice! I’m so uncoordinated. I think God messed up when he made me.” Mom sat down beside Quinn on the porch swing…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:10
October 18, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:97-105 “Oh, look at this!” exclaimed Aunt Jessie as she and Melanie were cleaning Grandma’s attic. “Here’s a box of mementos from when I was in high school!” Melanie took a pair of neon green sunglasses from the box and put them on. “Why did you keep these?” “Tom gave those to… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:16
October 17, 2023
Bible Reading: John 6:5-13 “Bye!” Amber waved as her aunt drove away. Aunt Nina had eaten dinner with Amber’s family that night. Afterwards, Aunt Nina showed them pictures from the recent mission trip she’d taken. Amber sighed as she returned to the kitchen. “I wish I could go on a mission trip. I never do… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 3:20
October 16, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 143:8-10; John 14:23-26 “Rerouting…rerouting…” Landen heard his dad’s GPS talking in a lady’s voice. “What does rerouting mean?” he asked. “It means to change direction. We need to stop by the grocery store on the way to Aunt Cyndi’s party, so I went a different direction than the one my GPS recommended…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Isaiah 30:21
October 15, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 102:25-27; Hebrews 13:5-8 “I’m going to run and jump into the leaves, Daddy. Are you watching?” Meliah asked. Dad held the rake and smiled at his daughter. “Sure, honey. Go ahead.” Meliah grinned as she started running. When she landed in the pile of leaves, she laughed. “This is lots of fun!… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:8
October 14, 2023
Bible Reading: Matthew 10:29-31; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 “Listen to this,” Mom said as Hope and her parents relaxed in the living room one evening. “The writer of this blog post says pennies should be discontinued in our money system because it costs too much to make them and nothing can be purchased for a penny… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:28
October 13, 2023
Bible Reading: Luke 14:16-24 “So are you coming with me to our church youth retreat next weekend?” Molly asked her friend Addison one day. “No, my parents are going to the college football game,” replied Addison. “I think I’ll go with them.” Molly frowned. “But everyone’s going on the youth retreat. It’ll be so much… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Isaiah 1:18