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December 1, 2023
Bible Reading: Galatians 6:1-5 “I don’t see why Harper can’t come Christmas shopping with us tomorrow,” Sienna complained. “She always helps me find the best gifts.” “It’s not a good idea for your sister to be in a mall right now, Sienna,” said Mom. “She needs time to go through counseling and address why she… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Galatians 6:2
November 30, 2023
Bible Reading: Romans 6:12-18, 22 “Hi, Mom,” said Taden as he came into the house. “Want to see the picture I painted at school today?” He held out a paper with a scene of a lake and trees, with mountains in the background. “This is really good!” exclaimed Mom. “You’re a wonderful painter.” Taden beamed…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 6:13
November 29, 2023
Bible Reading: Hebrews 5:12-14 “Lindy, have you learned your Bible verse for Sunday school?” asked Mom. “No, but I don’t like Sunday school anymore,” Lindy grumbled. “Why not?” asked Mom, spooning cereal into Gracie’s mouth. “We don’t sing fun songs with motions anymore, and Mrs. Mac doesn’t read from her Bible storybook either,” replied Lindy…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 14:20
November 28, 2023
Bible Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12; Luke 15:3-10 Zach ran frantically down the stairs. “Has anyone seen Mr. Bunny?” he cried. “I can’t find him anywhere!” “I’m sure he’s around here somewhere, Zach,” said Mom. “Have you looked in your closet?” “Yes,” said Zach. “I’ve looked in my room and closet, and in Hailey’s room too. I… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 19:10
November 27, 2023
Bible Reading: Matthew 13:31-32; 17:14-20 Gianna and her cousins were spending the day at Grandpa’s house. “Will you measure us, Grandpa?” asked Alex. “I want to see how tall I am.” “All right.” Grandpa followed them to the wall where he had been measuring them since they were toddlers. He made a mark on the… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:10
November 26, 2023
Bible Reading: Romans 5:12-13, 18-21; Colossians 2:13-14 “Dad!” Everett stared at his computer screen in dismay. “Chase just told me there’s a virus in the game I downloaded! It could ruin the hard drive.” “Oh no!” Dad said. “How much damage has it done?” Everett groaned and covered his eyes. “I don’t know yet.” “What’s… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 John 1:9
November 25, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 33:4-12 “Come on, Mal,” called Bailey. “Mom said we could play in the attic. Let’s try on some of the old clothes in the trunks up there.” The clatter of feet echoed through the halls as Bailey and Mal climbed the steep steps to the attic of the old house. Soon they… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 33:11
November 24, 2023
Bible Reading: Romans 12:9-21; James 1:19-20 “Bri, I love your new pet! He is so soft and sweet!” Ella stroked her friend’s chinchilla, Herman. “A chinchilla’s soft fur is one reason why they’re such popular pets,” said Bri. “They’re native to the Andes mountains in Chile where it gets really cold.” “Remember two years ago… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Proverbs 15:1
November 23, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalms 42:4-8; 73:21-26 “Maria!” Dad called. “Your aunt and uncle will be here soon. Can you come down and help with dinner?” Maria sighed and tossed the book she was reading on the floor. The last thing she wanted to do was help with Thanksgiving dinner. It was their first Thanksgiving without Mom,… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:18
November 22, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 100 “I pray today!” Jameson announced as his family sat around the breakfast table. Dad nodded at the little boy, and they all bowed their heads. “Thank you, God, for bacon an’ eggs an’ milk an’ toast an’ orange juice,” said Jameson. He paused and peeked through his fingers. “An’ jam,” he… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:20