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December 10, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 30:5; John 11:11-17, 34-36; 1 Peter 5:7 Dixon gasped as his bike flipped through the air. A searing pain ripped through his palms and knees. “Owww!” Angrily, he brushed away his tears. “I will not cry!” he said aloud. He picked up his bike and hobbled home. Dixon’s hands and knees ached… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 11:35
December 9, 2023
Bible Reading: Luke 6:31-36; Romans 15:5-7 “I guess Lydia’s okay, but having a new kid join your class in the middle of the year just messes everything up,” Haley complained when her mother picked her up at school. “I mean, we’re in the middle of our science projects, and we’ve already starting rehearsing our skit… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 15:7
December 8, 2023
Bible Reading: John 3:18; 1 John 5:11-13 Daniel listened politely as his elderly neighbor chatted with him and his mom in the front yard. “You and my grandson Benjamin would get along so well together,” Mrs. Crane was saying. “He really enjoys skateboarding. And did I tell you that he plays basketball?” Daniel nodded. “And… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 John 5:13
December 7, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 16; John 15:8-17 Grace twirled her hair nervously as she walked up to Ms. Evie. Evie looked the same as she did months ago—only now she was in a wheelchair. Evie looked up with a bright smile when she saw Grace. “How is it that you’ve grown even taller in just a… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:2
December 6, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:17-22 Aries threw her mom’s cell phone on the counter and ran to her room as fast she could. She slammed the door and belly flopped onto her bed, sobbing uncontrollably. Soon there was a knock on the door. “Aries, can I come in?” Mom asked. “I guess so,” Aries was able… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:5
December 5, 2023
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:89-90, 103-106; Matthew 5:6 “How much do horses eat?” asked Jared as he and his Uncle Bill walked through the horse barn. “A lot!” Uncle Bill replied. “It’s a good thing we can put them out to pasture every day.” He grinned. “Did I ever tell you about the no-feed horse?” “No…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 4:4
December 4, 2023
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:30; 2:16; Colossians 2:2-3 The teacher handed out the graded test papers, placing them face down on the desks. Layla was afraid to turn hers over and instead slipped it into her notebook without looking. When the bell rang, she shoved her notebook and jacket into her backpack and headed for… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: James 1:5
December 3, 2023
Bible Reading: John 4:7-14 “Hey!” said Zoe. “What’s wrong with the water?” She turned the kitchen faucet knob as far as she could, but all she got was a sputtering sound. She groaned. “I’m so thirsty!” “When I got home from work, I found a notice on the door saying the city water department would… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 4:14
December 2, 2023
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:8-13 “You got an email,” Abigail’s mom told her. “Looks like it’s from Ellie.” Abigail, whose family were missionaries in Nigeria, eagerly took Mom’s phone and opened the email. “Yesterday Daphne and Ashlyn and I went to an amusement park,” Abigail read in Ellie’s email. “I wish you could have been with… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:11
December 1, 2023
Bible Reading: Galatians 6:1-5 “I don’t see why Harper can’t come Christmas shopping with us tomorrow,” Sienna complained. “She always helps me find the best gifts.” “It’s not a good idea for your sister to be in a mall right now, Sienna,” said Mom. “She needs time to go through counseling and address why she… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Galatians 6:2