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January 5, 2017
Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-9 Kahlil closed the book he was reading and sighed. “You don’t look very happy,” said his sister, Anisa. “What are you thinking about?” Kahlil hesitated. “About God,” he said after a moment. “I’ve just been wondering if God really hears us when we pray.” “Of course He does!” said Anisa. “And… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Jeremiah 33:3
January 4, 2017
Bible Reading: Luke 12:16-21 Malachi put down the wood for the campfire and hurried to see why Boomer, his puppy, was barking. The little dog stood at the edge of the stream, looking down into the clear water. “What is it, Boomer?” asked Malachi. He looked down to see what was in the water and… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Mark 8:36
January 3, 2017
Bible Reading: Psalms 34:15-17; 145:17-19 “Why are you watching the football game?” Arcelia asked her brother. “You said you wanted to watch basketball.” “Yeah, but I’m recording the basketball game so I can watch it later,” replied Ben as he munched some popcorn. Just then a commercial came on, and Ben muted the TV and… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:17
January 2, 2017
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 3:8-18 “We had a new girl in our class at church today,” Josephine said as she set the table for lunch. “Her name is Lauren, and she’s deaf. She reads lips.” Mom nodded. “I met her mother. Their family moved here recently.” She set a plate of vegetables on the table…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 85:8
January 1, 2017
Bible Reading: Romans 8:35-39 Eva zigzagged around mud puddles as she walked home in the rain, but her feet were still getting wet. I know Mom and Dad both had to work late today, but I wish they’d asked someone to give me a ride, she thought gloomily. And they know I don’t like being… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:5