Trusting a Good Teacher

Bible Reading: Psalms 17:6-7; 18:1-2; Matthew 19:14 Twelve-year-old Scarlett was so excited about helping her mom in the twos’ and threes’ Sunday school class. Eagerly standing by the classroom door, Scarlett watched for the little ones to come. Most of the children came in with smiles on their faces. However, not all of them had…

Bless Everyone

Bible Reading: Matthew 20:30-34; James 5:13-18 “God bless everyone. Amen.” Grace ended the brief prayer in her usual way. When she opened her eyes, she saw a slight frown on her mother’s face. “What do you mean when you say ‘God bless everyone’? Exactly who is everyone?” asked Mom. “Well,” said Grace, “I mean Grandma,…

A Lighted Path

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:97-104; John 8:12; 1 John 1:5 Lucas and Grandpa were camping together in the mountains. One day, after they had hiked to the top of a lookout point, they sat down to enjoy a late afternoon snack. “How are your friends at school?” Grandpa asked. “Your Dad said you and Bryer had…

Picking Muscadines

Bible Reading: John 15:1-5; Galatians 5:22-23 “Cora, Gran just called,” Mom said. “She said the muscadines are ready to be picked.” “Yay! When can we go over and help?” Cora loved helping her grandparents pick their muscadine grapes each summer. “I told Gran we’d be over early tomorrow morning before it gets too hot.” Mom…

Catch Me, Daddy

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:1-6 Little Iris climbed out of the pool and eagerly walked along the edge to where her father was standing waist-deep in the water. “Catch me again, Daddy!” she called. Iris leaped toward her father almost before he could get his arms up to catch her. “Wheeee!” he exclaimed as he pulled…


Bible Reading: Psalm 13; Matthew 27:45-46 “Leila, don’t touch that,” Grandma said softly. Dylan watched as his grandma caught his baby sister’s hand before she could reach the pan of cookies that had just come out of the oven. “Why?” Leila asked. “Because you might get burned,” Grandma said. “Why?” Leila asked again. Grandma smiled….

Fast Food

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:4; John 6:35; Hebrews 10:15-16 “Okay, kids. Let’s go,” called Dad after Kiara’s swim meet had ended. “We only have a half hour before Keagan’s soccer game.” “Looks like we’ll have to grab fast food again,” Mom said as she closed her car door. She sighed. “It’s not a very healthy choice.”…

Heavy Hiking

Bible Reading: Matthew 11:28-30 “Will all this fit in my backpack?” Autumn wondered as she packed for an overnight camping trip with Uncle Joel and Aunt Carrie. Autumn stuffed her backpack full of clothes, games, books, and flashlights. “I can’t forget my camera,” she said, slipping it inside. After cramming a few bags of snacks…

Bursting Bubbles

Bible Reading: Galatians 1:10; Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Peter 4:10-11 “I hope I’m good enough to play in an all-star game someday,” said Ryder as he left the ballpark with his dad and sister. “Maybe I’ll even make it into the Baseball Hall of Fame!” “I’d rather sing the national anthem before the game,” said Ann….