January 15, 2017

The Perfect Answer

Bible Reading: Psalm 66:16-20; Jeremiah 33:3 “I wish my grandpa lived nearby,” said Nikolas as he and his friend Mason Holt went to visit Mason’s grandfather. “I wanted Grandpa to move here when Grandma died, but he didn’t.” Nikolas had always wondered why God hadn’t answer his prayer. Mason’s grandpa was working outside when they… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 18:30

January 14, 2017

Source of Power

Bible Reading: Romans 8:5-14 “Can I skip my Bible study group tonight?” asked Ethan as he cleared the table. “I didn’t have time to do my lesson this week, and Pastor Reynolds really doesn’t like it when that happens.” Ethan set a stack of plates in the sink. “I’ve been thinking about quitting anyway.” “Not… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:13

January 13, 2017

True Home

Bible Reading: John 14:1-6 Adelyn looked around her empty room. She brushed her hand across the mural Dad had painted on the wall one last time, then picked up the last box and brought it out to the truck. When Mom pulled the truck door down with a loud rumble, Adelyn couldn’t help it. She… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 16:33

January 12, 2017

Awesome Wisdom

Bible Reading: Psalm 66:1-5 The Reed family was seated around their picnic table playing a board game when Emma looked up. “Oh no!” she wailed. “Not again!” Jack groaned. Arthur, their collie, was almost totally covered with cockleburs. “I’m guessing you just had to go chase after a squirrel,” said Jack, “or was it a… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 104:24

January 11, 2017

The Good Father

Bible Reading: Luke 11:9-13 “Matthew, when you’ve finished raking the leaves, come to the shed.” Matthew’s father pushed a wheelbarrow around the back of the house. Uh-oh, what did Dad want now? The last time he called him to the shed, he asked him to pick up sticks that had fallen from the windstorm. Maybe… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Luke 12:32

January 10, 2017

Staying in Character

Bible Reading: Romans 5:3-5; Galatians 5:22-23 “You take the sword, Leo, and be ready for me when I storm the castle,” Ryan instructed his little brother as he slipped on his dragon mask. Leo nodded, put on his knight helmet, and paced back and forth in front of the tent. Ryan ran off and disappeared… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Galatians 5:25

January 9, 2017

Flying in Formation

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6 “Well, if that’s the way you’re going to be, I’ll just find someone else to do my science project with!” Will turned and walked away from Thatcher and Carlos before they had a chance to respond. At dinnertime, Will was still angry. “Thatcher and Carlos won’t listen to me,” he said…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 133:1

January 8, 2017

Safe Treasure

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9 “Twelve paces from the grain bin, face the wall made of tin.” Madison read the clue aloud as Jane carried two garden trowels. Together the sisters headed for the grain bin to find Grandpa’s next clue. That morning, Grandpa had surprised the girls with a game—clues that would lead them… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:9

January 7, 2017

Important People

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 9:23-24 Amy thumbed through the pictures on her phone as her family began driving back to their hotel. “Wait until my friends see these!” she said. She and her family were enjoying a winter vacation trip and had gone to see an ice-skating show. After the show, some of the skaters signed… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Galatians 6:14

January 6, 2017

Warning Lights

Bible Reading: Psalm 101:1-8 Becky sat on her bed, so engrossed in her new library book that she didn’t even notice her mom enter the room. When Mom sat down next to her on the bed, Becky jumped and shoved the book under her, hoping her mom hadn’t seen the title. Mom frowned. “You doing… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 14:23