February 14, 2017

Homeless and Hungry

Bible Reading: Matthew 10:29-31; 25:31-40 The cold winter wind bit at Gwen’s nose and ears as she and her mother were shopping downtown. “Can we stop at the pet store and get some birdseed?” asked Gwen. Mom agreed, and they headed for the store. As they crossed an alley, they saw a man sleeping there,… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:40

February 13, 2017

The Master’s Call

Bible Reading: John 6:37-40; Romans 6:23 “Mom, Sheba won’t come when I call her!” said Adam. “Sometimes she comes toward me, but if I try to touch her, she runs away again. Watch!” Adam called to Sheba, his new puppy. Sure enough, Sheba looked at Adam, and when he kept calling, she ran in a… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 6:37

February 12, 2017

Four Meals a Day

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 2:13 “I’ve tried to get into the habit of reading my Bible every day,” said Alanna as she reached for a piece of pizza, “but I never seem to be able to.” Several others in the room nodded knowingly. They were having a pizza party for their Bible study… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:4

February 11, 2017

First Things First

Bible Reading: 1 John 5:1-5 Mr. Wagner walked to the whiteboard in his Sunday school classroom. “Tell me, boys—what should be the really important things in your lives?” The boys began to call out answers—church, Jesus, family, friends, Bible study, prayer—and Mr. Wagner wrote the words on the board. “All right,” he said. “That’s a… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:31

February 10, 2017

Amendments and Salvation

Bible Reading: John 10:27-30 Tyler walked into the kitchen where his mom was preparing supper. They were going to a special program at church that night, so they would be eating earlier than usual. Mom looked up and smiled. “Hi, Tyler. What have you been doing?” Tyler pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 10:28

February 9, 2017

The Right Focus

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-3, 8-10 Dinner was finished, and Egan was just thinking of teasing his sister when she interrupted his plan. “Why did you have to stay in during recess today?” she asked him. “I heard you and a bunch of other kids got caught cheating on a test.” Egan swallowed hard, and it… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:10

February 8, 2017

Different Is Good

Bible Reading: Acts 17:24-28 Abe stopped short when he and his friend Laramie passed a bakery window. “Wow!” he said. “I’ve never seen so many different pastries. I want to try them all!” Laramie joined him at the window. “Me too!” As they were looking at the window display, an older couple strolled by. Their… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: James 2:9

February 7, 2017

In the Family

Bible Reading: Galatians 4:1-7 “We had a new girl in our class today,” said Leilah as she nibbled on cheese and crackers at the kitchen table after school. “Her name is Ana. She’s from an orphanage in Romania, and an American family—the Blackmans—adopted her.” “How wonderful!” said Mom. “For both her and the Blackmans.” “Yeah,”… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 8:16

February 6, 2017

How May I Help You?

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 28:2-6, 9 “Daniel, Daniel!” Daniel’s little brother and sister came zooming into the room. “Will you play store with us? Please?” Daniel smiled. “Okay, sure.” Eli and Alessia often begged Daniel to play store with them, but Daniel didn’t mind. Their grandfather owned a hardware store, and the kids loved to… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 28:9

February 5, 2017


Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:1-6 “Uh oh!” said Mom. “That sign says, ‘Detour—straight ahead.’ We can’t make our turn onto the freeway. The ramp is closed for repairs.” “But we have to get on it somehow, don’t we?” asked Maggie. “We’ll get there if we follow the orange detour signs,” said Mom. “See if you can… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:6