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April 16, 2017
Bible Reading: John 19:28-30 Evan breathed deeply through his nose as he walked into the kitchen. “Yum!” he said, walking over to where his older sister was working. “Lemon pie!” “Oh no you don’t!” said Camryn. “This is nowhere near finished.” “Okay, but I’ll be waiting for it,” Evan said, then headed upstairs to do… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 1:12
April 15, 2017
Bible Reading: John 10:2-5, 14 “Oh, look!” Winnie said as her mother parked the car at Grandpa’s farm. “I see Grandpa’s new sheep! Let’s go pet them.” The children climbed out of the car and raced toward the sheep, but the animals darted to the far corner of the pen. “Oops! We scared them,” said… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 10:27
April 14, 2017
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:19-25 Anisa leaned out the car window to watch a line of people walking along the side of the road. Accompanied by a police escort, a large number of children and adults followed a man who was dressed to look the way Jesus did in pictures. The man was wearing what… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 9:23
April 13, 2017
Bible Reading: Psalm 37:3-9 “Look, Daddy!” exclaimed four-year-old Beck as he peered out the airplane window. “Look! There’s snow down there!” Beck’s older brother, Micah, laughed. “That’s not snow,” he said. “Those are clouds. They just look like snow.” Dad smiled and nodded. “They look solid, don’t they? Like you could walk right out on… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 7:1
April 12, 2017
Bible Reading: Psalm 71:15-17 Jade, Leah, and their little sister, Izzy, joined their mother in the backyard one spring day. “Wow, look at all the flowers!” Jade said, walking over to her mother’s garden. “I love the hyacinths. I think they’re my favorite.” “Not mine. I like those yellow ones,” said Izzy, pointing to the… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 71:17
April 11, 2017
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:44-46 Rick stomped into the house and headed for the stairs, not even bothering to say hello to his family. “Hey there, Rick!” Dad called from his place at the counter. Rick mumbled something and then proceeded upstairs and slammed his bedroom door. The house shook. Eva, his sister, entered shortly afterward…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:44
April 10, 2017
Bible Reading: Genesis 1:27; Romans 8:29 Tyrone scratched his head and looked at the painting. “What is it?” “It’s called Three Musicians. Try squinting your eyes and tilting your head.” “I think I see a clarinet and a guitar, but the musicians look a little weird.” “That’s the beauty of art. Everyone sees something different.”… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:20
April 9, 2017
Bible Reading: Matthew 18:7-9 Jacob grabbed a hammer from his dad’s toolbox and slammed it shut. He carried it out to the driveway and pulled a curious-looking object out of his pocket. He’d seen something like this in a science video once, and if this explosion was anything like that one, it would be the… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: James 1:15
April 8, 2017
Bible Reading: Psalm 33:13-15 Graham held very still when his mom came outside, hoping she wouldn’t see him. He loved to hide in the old apple tree. When he peeked through the leaves and branches, he could see Mom in the yard below. He could see Tabby, Mrs. Underwood’s cat, creeping through the grass next… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Proverbs 15:3
April 7, 2017
Bible Reading: Acts 9:26-31 Grandma walked into the living room and picked up the remote. “That’s enough TV for today, Neal. Don’t you have homework to do?” Neal shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, Grandma.” He reached down and scooped up Tiger, the stray cat Grandma had rescued. “Even if I do it, Mrs. Stevens still won’t… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 16:10