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May 26, 2017
Bible Reading: Proverbs 4:20-27; Matthew 14:22-32 Mara climbed up onto the beam Dad had built for her. She was determined to make the school gymnastics team, but after taking a few steps, she wobbled and nearly slipped off. “Focus your eyes on that picture you put up,” Mom said. While staring at the picture on… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Proverbs 4:25
May 25, 2017
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Editor’s note: This story’s subject matter may not be appropriate for young children. Several older boys at school often urged Nick and his friends to try drugs. “Getting high is the best thing ever,” one boy told them. “Yeah!” said another. “You’ll love how it feels! C’mon, try ’em. They’re… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:20
May 24, 2017
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:25-30 “Mom, I’m home!” Alyssa called as she came in after school. “Hi, honey!” said Mom. “How was your day? Did you learn anything interesting?” “We sure did!” said Alyssa. “Mr. Eddleman, our science teacher, poured some really hot water into two glasses. One glass had a spoon in it, and the… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:7
May 23, 2017
Bible Reading: Exodus 20:12-15; Ephesians 4:25-32 Will walked into the kitchen where his sister Stasia sat at the table doing homework. “Jase got in trouble again,” said Will. “I can’t believe he’s going to flunk math over this!” Stasia put down her textbook and looked up in surprise. “Over what?” she asked. “What did he… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 John 5:17
May 22, 2017
Bible Reading: Matthew 15:7-9; Titus 1:15-16 “Look,” said Adrian, pointing to an insect he and his sister Eva had caught out in the garden. “Maybe it’s praying!” Sure enough, the bug’s forelegs were folded together as if in prayer. “Let’s see if we can find out what it is.” The kids searched online and found… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 15:8
May 21, 2017
Bible Reading: John 14:25-27 Luke and Rebecca’s new golden retriever puppy gnawed on an old shoe. “Ringo sure played hard today,” Luke said. “He never rests!” “Kids!” Mom called. “It’s time to put Ringo to bed.” Luke and Rebecca had promised they would take care of their new puppy. This was Ringo’s first night with… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 14:27
May 20, 2017
Bible Reading: Matthew 14:22-23; Mark 1:35-39 Micah ran into the house and threw his backpack on the kitchen table. “Mom! Do we have any frozen pizza?” He cocked his head. The house was silent. He looked down and noticed Mom’s phone on the counter. That’s weird, he thought. She usually carries it with her. Micah… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
May 19, 2017
Bible Reading: Luke 8:22-25 The little dog snapped at everyone who came near. She had been a stray until Mikey found her last week. Mikey loved her, but now Mom told him the dog wasn’t safe. They would have to give her to a dog shelter. “But Mom, Aunt Amy trains dogs! Can’t we ask… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 46:10
May 18, 2017
Bible Reading: Psalm 62:5-8 Natalie glanced at her phone. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to change and eat something before she had to leave for dance. Gotta move. She grabbed some mac and cheese and popped it into the microwave. As she bounded up the stairs, she passed her little brother, Kevin, sitting in time-out. Minutes… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 11:28
May 17, 2017
Bible Reading: Genesis 2:1-3 Patrick’s dad set the remote control car on a shelf in the garage. “Let’s take a break,” he said. “But aren’t we going to paint it?” asked Patrick. They had just finished putting all the pieces together, and Patrick couldn’t wait to test it out. “This car’s gonna look awesome in… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Genesis 2:2