July 5, 2017

The Arrowhead

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-16; Romans 8:28-30 Stephen hoisted himself up onto a ledge of crumbling granite and collapsed on a small patch of mossy grass. “That was quite a climb!” he said as he rubbed his aching legs. “Aren’t you tired, Uncle Don? We’ve hiked a long way.” “We’ll catch our breath for a few… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 29:11

July 4, 2017

Everyone’s Welcome

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:23-25 Before leaving on their field trip, Mila’s Sunday school teacher waved for everyone to gather together. “After we go see the Statue of Liberty, we’ll have a picnic lunch, followed by games,” Miss Webber told the excited kids. “Make sure you pay attention during the tour. Later I’m going to ask… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 11:28

July 3, 2017

Sparkling Clean

Bible Reading: Romans 3:22-26 Rosita wiped the sweat from her forehead, then got back to scrubbing the pot in the sink. She was working as hard as she could to clean the kitchen before Mom got home. They’d had a fight that morning, and Rosita was sorry for the things she’d said. I want this… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 John 1:9

July 2, 2017

Who’s in Charge Here?

Bible Reading: Romans 13:1, 4; 1 Timothy 2:2 Gavin sat with Dad watching the evening news. When it was over, Dad switched it off and turned to Gavin. “What do you think of all that?” Gavin had grown very quiet. Most of what was happening he didn’t understand, but there were lots of people protesting… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 13:1

July 1, 2017

Only a Mist

Bible Reading: Mark 12:29-31; James 4:13-17 Jade stretched and yawned. Then she jumped down from her place on the top bunk and hurried to get dressed. “Let’s go, troops!” yelled a cheery voice from outside. “We have many miles to cover on our morning hike.” “How can Erica be so cheerful at seven o’clock in… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Mark 12:31

June 30, 2017

Left Behind

Bible Reading: Isaiah 41:8-10 Keira peeked through the blinds of her bedroom window at the Sold! sign on her front lawn. She turned back to the sea of boxes surrounding her as a tear slipped from her eye and landed with a wet splat on the cardboard. I can’t decide if I want my butterfly… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:6

June 29, 2017

Heavy Load

Bible Reading: Matthew 11:28-30 Julian cheered in excitement at the tractor pulling contest. One of the contestants—a friend of Julian’s family—revved the engine as his tractor strained to pull the heavy load. It inched along, then gathered speed to the finish line. “He made it!” Julian shouted, and he clapped along with others in the… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:7

June 28, 2017

The Way In

Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-2, 6-11 “I’ll be back for dinner, Mom,” Zach said as he pulled his beach towel off the clothesline. “I’ll be swimming with Kade at the country club.” When the boys got to the entryway of the big club building, Kade showed a card to the greeter at the welcome desk. The… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 14:6

June 27, 2017

No Broken Promises

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 5:2-7 Everett stood at the window, watching dark clouds disappearing into the distant sky. “Those clouds sure weren’t any help,” he said. “I was hoping it would rain so I wouldn’t have to mow Mrs. Smith’s lawn today.” “I was hoping those clouds would give us some rain too—we sure do need… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 5:5

June 26, 2017

Get Me Off This Thing!

Bible Reading: Isaiah 41:8-10 “Oh no! No, no, no! Get me off this thing! Mom, make them stop!” Carrie squirmed nervously as the seat she was strapped into began to rise higher and higher into the air. Mom laughed and grabbed Carrie’s hand. “Sorry, honey, but I think it’s too late to get off now…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:6