Rain, Rain, Rain

Bible Reading: Psalm 51:1-10; Hebrews 9:22 Barrett threw his bag on top of the others in the trunk, then slammed the back door shut. “Ew, gross!” he said, looking at the dirt that covered his hands. “Hey, Dad, I think it’s time to wash the car!” Dad nodded. “It’s pretty dirty. I didn’t notice how…

A Young Real Estate Agent

Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-4, 18-27 Just as Jaden was about to leave for school, he learned school had been canceled because of a furnace breakdown. “Why don’t you come to work with me today,” said Dad, who was a real estate agent. So Jaden went to the office with his dad. That morning, they met…

Never Alone

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 4:16-18 Lily sat on her front porch step. The sun shone from a clear blue sky, but deep inside, Lily felt as if a dark cloud hovered overhead. She looked down at Rags, her new brown puppy. She picked him up and hugged him. Just then Dad, who served in the…

Tariq’s Decision

Bible Reading: James 1:5-6; 3:13-18 As Tariq walked home, he glanced at a poster advertising a movie that had just come out. It was the movie his friend Micah had invited him to. To celebrate Micah’s birthday, his parents had said he could have some friends over for pizza, and then they’d all go see…

A Bright Reflection

Bible Reading: 1 John 2:3-6 “Look at how bright the stars are tonight!” Steve’s little brother, Eric, gaped at the sky from his spot on the lawn. “Yeah, and the moon is really bright too,” said Steve. “Why is it so bright?” asked Eric. “Is it a great big ball of fire?” Steve laughed and…

Touched Up

Bible Reading: Romans 4:5-8 “We’re getting our school pictures tomorrow!” Andrea said one evening. “I hope mine turned out good.” “Well, how good can they be?” asked her brother Matt. “After all, the camera can only take a picture of what it sees.” He grinned, then ducked when Andrea threw a small pillow at his…

No Mistakes

Bible Reading: John 9:1-7 As Emily and Zoe started home, they ran into Weston—a school bully. “Hey, Zoe, where’d you get this hat?” asked Weston as he grabbed the red cap from her head and tossed it down on the sidewalk. Zoe stared at him. “Stop that!” yelled Emily, darting toward the cap. She returned…

Time to Celebrate!

Bible Reading: Luke 15:11-32 Evan stretched his neck and peered around the people in front of him. A teenager named Brad was on the platform. He had just spoken, confessing that he had strayed from the Lord but had now come back. He said God had forgiven him, and he asked the congregation to forgive…

Diamond in the Rough

Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-5; James 1:2-4 Noelle dropped her book bag in the corner of her grandmother’s kitchen. She shook her head when Grandma offered her apple slices and dip. “No, thanks, Gran,” she said. “I don’t feel like eating.” She sighed. “Nothing is going right! You even prayed with me that I’d pass my…

Wrong Conclusions

Bible Reading: Proverbs 17:27-28; 18:13 “Don’t quit yet!” Jill begged her friend, but Emmy sat down and began unlacing her skates, saying she was cold. “It’s not that cold!” said Jill. Emmy didn’t answer, and Jill went back out on the ice. “Hey, Jill!” called Tia as she skated by. “My mom is driving some…