Boiling Over

Bible Reading: Proverbs 14:29 “Lydia yelled at everybody today—Luis, Norah, Paul—and everyone else we were playing with,” Ruby told her mother after school one day. “I’m her best friend, and she even yelled at me!” “I’m sorry to hear that,” said Mom. “Yeah,” said Ruby. “When Lydia gets mad, it makes such a mess of…

Like an Oak Tree

Bible Reading: James 4:6-7 This giant oak tree is what gave Oak Park its name,” the tour guide told the kids on their field trip. Liam listened attentively. He loved history and learning things like this. Back home later that day, Liam told his mother about the tour. “That big oak tree survived the Civil…

Safe in Every Sky

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:4-6 Melissa’s heart was pounding. She walked slowly down the jetway to the plane, clutching her mother’s hand. “It’ll be okay,” Mom told her gently. “I know you’re scared, but everything will be all right.” Melissa looked up at Mom with her big round eyes, then snapped them back to the open…

Perfect Balance

Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31 “That was a great circus show, wasn’t it, Dad?” Brandon’s eyes were wide with excitement as he and his father made their way to the car. “Especially the high-wire act! I really liked that.” Dad grinned. “That was pretty exciting,” he agreed, “but it was kinda scary when that one man…

Fried Green Tomatoes

Bible Reading: John 15:1-8 Emily walked into the living room as her mom was hanging up the phone. “What’s wrong, Mom?” It seemed like Mom had been crying. Mom wiped her face and sat up in her chair. “Cole is in jail again.” Cole was Emily’s twenty-year-old cousin. He was funny and full of life….

Sharing Grief

Bible Reading: Proverbs 25:20; Matthew 5:4; Romans 12:15 Sybil buried her face in her hands. “I wish I’d been nicer to him.” Christine’s face was red from crying. “He died so young. It’s not fair.” Mrs. Nelson sat down at the empty desk beside them. She wiped her eyes with a crumpled tissue and sighed….

Time with a Friend

Bible Reading: John 15:9-17 It seems like so many of the guys just want to play basketball all the time,” complained Maverick one afternoon. “Clayton and I always did stuff together, but now he spends more time with other kids than with me!” As Mom started to speak, Maverick reached into his backpack and changed…

Where Are We?

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 105:42-45 “I’m getting mint chocolate chip!” Peyton said as he climbed into the van. Isaac was right behind him. “I’m getting orange sherbet with sprinkles!” “And I,” said Dad, “am getting the biggest fudge sundae you’ve ever seen.” “Hey!” said Peyton. “You didn’t get a good report card.” “No, but…

Repotted to Grow

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:7-12 Austin sighed as he dropped his backpack to the kitchen floor and sat down at the table. His family had moved recently, and he missed his old school and all the friends he’d left behind. “Did you have a good day?” Mom asked cheerfully. Austin shook his head. “I know it’s…

All You Have to Do Is Ask

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:7-12 Sarah groaned as she hunched over her math textbook. Mom looked up from her computer. “What’s wrong, honey?” she asked. “You seem upset.” “I have a test tomorrow, and I’ve got to make a B to stay on the honor roll. I’ve tried and tried, but I just can’t get these…