A Few Little Flowers

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:8-11, 15-17 “I don’t know what to get my mom for her birthday,” India told her friend Maggie. “I don’t have much money.” “I know what you can get,” Maggie said, “and it doesn’t cost anything.” She led the way to Mrs. Monroe’s house and stopped on the sidewalk in front of…

Behind the Scenes

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:13-27 “Put the blue block here, Rennah,” Edison said as he helped his four-year-old sister build a tower with blocks. When the structure was almost finished, Rennah pulled out a green block near the bottom of the tower. The tower wobbled, then toppled over. “Rennah, you ruined it!” exclaimed Edison. “Why…

Chocolate Milk Confessions

Bible Reading: Psalm 32:2-10 Lexie twirled around her room in her new dress. She couldn’t wait to wear it to her cousin’s wedding on Saturday! Mom stood smiling at the door. “You’d better take that dress off before you spill something on it, Lexie. I’m off to the store—do you want to come or stay…

Change Needed

Bible Reading: Psalm 19:12-14 As Alan joined his father on the cabin roof, a large, striped cat jumped onto the roof from a nearby branch. “Hey there, fella,” Alan called. “Do you want to help us fix this roof?” He took a step toward the cat. “Be careful, Alan,” said Dad. “A lot of the…

Shaped Like Clay

Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:10-11; Jeremiah 18:6 Aidan held a headless clay animal in his hand. “Mom!” he wailed. “I forgot to put my animal back in the container, and the clay got all hard and dry before I could finish, so now it doesn’t have a head!” “I’m sorry, Aidan,” said Mom, “but it’s too…

A Stinky Situation

Bible Reading: Romans 5:6-9 Leo watched his ball roll under the shed, then he dropped his bat and crawled in after it. As he scooted under the edge, he spotted a pair of glowing eyes. A cat, thought Leo. He crawled closer. “Here, kitty,” he called. The animal turned. Oh no! thought Leo. A skunk!…

Soft-Answer Solution

Bible Reading: Proverbs 15:1-4; Philippians 2:3-4 “You’re always messing up this room,” Stella said as she pushed her sister’s things off the dresser. “You’re such a pig!” “I am not, you’re the pig. And leave my things alone!” yelled Mila. “Then keep your stuff off my side of the dresser!” Stella shot back. The fighting…


Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:17-24 Preston jumped from seat to seat in the back of the school bus. He joined in with the boys who were pestering other kids and laughed loudly when rude gestures were made at passing cars. After he and the others ignored several warnings, the bus driver pulled to the side of…

Harmonious Music

Bible Reading: Romans 12:3-10 On their way to the park one bright Saturday morning, Maisie and her parents decided to stop at an estate sale. Maisie enjoyed seeing all the things the owners of the place were selling. When they walked into a room that looked like a library, Maisie gasped in delight. “Look! A…

God Made Them All

Bible Reading: Genesis 1:21-25, 31 “Katy, look what I found in the woods!” Levi approached his sister carrying a cage. Something was moving inside. Katy shrieked. “Get that out of here!” Levi laughed. “It’s only a garden snake,” he said. “It can’t hurt you.” “Daddy!” Katy dashed behind her father, her eyes filled with fear….