Unfinished Projects

Bible Reading: Philippians 1:6-11 “Can I get this?” asked Charlie, showing a model airplane kit to his mother. “I want to put it together.” “But don’t you already have a bunch of other projects you haven’t finished yet?” asked Mom. “Well, yeah, but I’m still working on those things,” said Charlie. “I’m just waiting for…

Feelings and Decisions

Bible Reading: Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10; Matthew 26:36-46 Jessamyn popped a juicy red strawberry into her mouth before putting another handful into her bucket. “Why does our family have to go be missionaries in another country, Grandpa?” she asked with a sigh. “I like living where we are now. I wish Dad had kept his job…

On Track

Bible Reading: Romans 13:1-5 Daniel was working on his electric train set when Dad joined him in the basement. “How’s the train project coming along?” he asked. “Good!” said Daniel. “It’s almost ready to run.” “All right!” said Dad. “And how was school today?” Daniel frowned. “I got in trouble for coming in late from…

Have Jesus, Will Travel

Bible Reading: Joshua 1:1-9 The sick feeling in Micah’s stomach got worse as the plane lifted off the ground and lurched into the air. Everything below him was the size of ants. Not only did he feel sick to his stomach, his chest felt tight too. Dad sat next to him and tried to smile…

The Woodcarver

Bible Reading: Psalm 103:11-14, 22 David held the bat steady. I have to hit this, he thought. I just have to! If I get out, our team will lose the game and be disqualified from the tournament. The ball sailed toward him. He swung as hard as he could, but the ball bounced slowly toward…

Why the Sky Is Blue

Bible Reading: Psalm 104:16-24 Dad rowed the boat to the edge of some lily pads. It was the best place in the lake to catch fish. As Alex sat in the boat with his father, he watched his red and white bobber closely and waited for it to go down, signaling a fish had taken…

Do Something about It

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:19-20; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Mom, I’m really worried about Charlotte,” Avery said as she sat down at the kitchen table. Charlotte and Avery were best friends and did everything together. “What’s going on with her?” Mom asked as she added ingredients into the mixer. “Well, she’s been having a lot of headaches…

The Lemon Tree

Bible Reading: Genesis 50:15-21 Devon was walking home when he turned to his brother James and said, “I am never going back to school again!” “Calm down. What’s wrong?” asked James. “The kids at this school don’t like me,” said Devon. “I want to move back to our old school.” “I’ve met some new friends….

The Real Thing

Bible Reading: The Real Thing “Guess what!” said Dad as the family was eating dinner one evening. “At our grocery store today, a customer handed me a counterfeit fifty-dollar bill.” “Counterfeit?” asked Chelsea. “What does that mean?” “It means the money was fake—it looked like the real thing, but it wasn’t,” her older brother, Trenton,…