
Bible Reading: Psalm 3:5-6; 42:8; 63:6 Lara ran so hard it hurt. She glanced over her shoulder. The lion was still chasing her and getting closer. Suddenly, she tripped and fell flat on her face! A huge roar echoed, and she could almost feel the lion’s hot breath on her neck. She screamed—then woke up…

Running Rough

Bible Reading: Psalm 26:1-3; 139:23-24 “What’s wrong with the car, Daddy?” asked five-year-old Ellery as the family drove to their country home after a church service in the village. “It’s jerking.” “It’s sure running rough,” said Dad. “It’s been doing that lately, but it’s never been this bad before.” “Are we going to make it…

The Mime

Bible Reading: Luke 10:25-37; 1 John 3:16-19 As Baker and his mom got off the ferris wheel, he pointed to a crowd of people. “Can we go see what’s going on over there?” Mom nodded, and they walked over and joined the crowd. They saw a man with a painted face acting out various skits….


Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-3 I’m beginning to wonder if there are any fish in this lake,” said Dad as he baited his hook with another worm. He and Charis had been fishing for nearly two hours. “We’d better catch some or Mom will make us take her out to dinner.” Charis laughed as she looked…

Homesick for Heaven

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:13-16 Kelly snapped one last picture of the Eiffel Tower. “It’s so beautiful against the sunset!” She sighed. “I can’t believe this is our last night here.” “I know,” Mom said. “Though I’m actually excited to be going home.” “But this has been the best vacation ever,” said Kelly’s sister, Allison. “I’m…

Invalid Request

Bible Reading: Psalm 66:16-20; 1 John 5:14-15 “Mom!” called Piper. “I’m making party invitations on the computer, and something’s wrong!” Mom came and looked over her shoulder. “See?” Piper pointed to two words in the middle of the screen. “It says, ‘Invalid request.’ What does that mean?” “It means you pressed a key that asked…

If It Feels Good

Bible Reading: Romans 8:12-14 Drops of rain glittered on the lawn, and the wet grass felt good on Jase’s bare feet. He walked out to the garden, relishing the feeling of mud squishing through his toes. Then Mom called him in so they could leave for his dentist appointment. Jase hurried through the kitchen to…

Helping Find the Lost

Bible Reading: Luke 15:4-10 “Mom, have you seen my other tennis shoe?” Mia ran from room to room with only one shoe on, desperately looking for the other one. She was supposed to be leaving to spend the night at her friend Aryanna’s house. “No, but I can help you look. Do you remember where…