Not Enough Gifts

Bible Reading: Matthew 1:23; Luke 2:8-14 There weren’t enough gifts under the tree. Alexis stood in the living room doorway and looked at the place where there were typically stacks and stacks of colorful gifts each year. This year, there were only two small piles. One for her, one for her sister. Alexis had wanted…

Things That Go Together

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:30-32; James 2:14-18; 1 John 4:15-21 Cristina was playing Things That Go Together with her little sister, Bonnie. “What goes with this?” asked Cristina, setting a picture of a shoe on the playroom floor. Bonnie picked up a picture of a sock to put next to the shoe. “Good,” said Cristina. “What…

Stay in the Father’s Path

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6; John 14:23-26 “I can’t wait to cross-country ski!” Reuben said as his father showed him how to step into the bindings. He pressed down the latch that held the skis to his boot. Dad handed Reuben the ski poles. “Just stay in my tracks and do what I do.” Dad set…

Maybe Today

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 3:3-4, 8-9 After finishing their picnic lunch at a roadside park, Lawrence and Ryder walked with their parents to look at the big map on the wall next to the restrooms. “Where’s the space center on this map?” asked Lawrence. “It’s in this town here.” Dad pointed to a dot on…

Will Shovel for Brownies

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:17-24 Skye scooped the last bit of heavy, wet snow from his driveway and heaved it to the side. As he leaned on the shovel to catch his breath, his gaze fell on Mrs. Barans’ driveway next door. The snow lay in deep drifts, and her windows still had the curtains drawn….

Grandma Redwood

Bible Reading: Psalm 92:12-15 “Isn’t Grandma too old to be teaching Sunday school?” Payton asked one day. “I mean, she’s almost seventy!” Mom laughed. “No, she’s not too old at all! Her first graders are crazy about her. And she tells me she’s learning and growing just as much as the kids are.” Payton’s eyebrows…


Bible Reading: Ephesians 3:16-19 Faith stepped out of the house alone with her soccer ball and sighed. Ever since her brothers had been born, her parents were always distracted. The twins always needed something, and it didn’t feel like her parents had any time for her. Faith had thought it might be fun to start…

Born to Be Our “Saver”

Bible Reading: Matthew 1:21-23; Romans 10:9; Philippians 2:5-8 “Grandpa, look at this map book I found,” said Casey. “That’s my old atlas,” Grandpa answered. “I used that atlas to teach your mom about places of the world.” Grandpa turned some pages and said, “See that green star? I put that on the town where I…

Credit Due

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 9:23-24; James 1:17; 3:13 “Guess what, Mom?” Taylor yelled breathlessly, running up the driveway to where her mom was painting the window trim of their new house. “I got the lead part in the school play!” “Oh, Taylor! That’s terrific!” Mom put her paintbrush down and hugged her daughter. “Yeah,” said Taylor….