September 7, 2017

A New Story

Bible Reading: Matthew 28:18-20 “I’m a part of God’s family now, Beckett thought happily. Earlier that day, he had decided to trust Jesus as his Savior. He smiled, thinking of others he knew who were also part of God’s family—his parents, grandparents, and his friends at church. But then he thought of his two best… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Mark 5:19

September 6, 2017


Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:11-13; 1 Peter 5:8-9 “Look at Shadow crouching under the bushes,” Lyra said softly. Dad nodded. “I think she sees the doves looking for seeds underneath the bird feeder,” he replied. “She’d like to ambush them.” “That means make a surprise attack from a hiding place, right?” As Lyra spoke, the… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:9

September 5, 2017

For the Love of Skipper

Bible Reading: Romans 12:9-11 Editor’s note: This story’s subject matter may not be appropriate for some children. “It’s not that I don’t love you,” Beth told her parents. “It’s just that all adopted kids wonder why their birth mothers gave them up.” “I know, honey,” said Dad. “But I’m afraid we don’t know much about… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 12:10

September 4, 2017

Dirty Work

Bible Reading: Luke 16:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:2 It was a warm day, and Dad had just finished digging up the garden plot so he and Violet and Griffin could plant sweet corn. “Hey, look!” exclaimed Violet, bending over a corner of the plot. “An earthworm! We learned about earthworms at school. They eat dirt.” She… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Proverbs 28:20

September 3, 2017

Burger Blessings

Bible Reading: Daniel 6:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “What beautiful zuccini!” said Mom as she and Alex walked in their garden. “God provides such wonderful food for us. He’s so good!” Alex smiled and nodded just as he got a text message. “Kyle and his sister Evangeline invited me to go to Burger Palace with them,”… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 55:17

September 2, 2017

Friendship Seeds

Bible Reading: Galatians 6:9-10 Camilla plopped down in the grass next to the garden. “I’m never talking to that girl again!” “Who? And why not?” asked Dad. He was planting a row of carrots. “Madison—the new girl down the street. I’m tired of trying to be friends with her. I said hi to her three… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Galatians 6:9

September 1, 2017

In the Dog Pen

Bible Reading: John 3:16-18 “Sure, I’m a Christian,” Silas told his neighbor as he filled a tin bowl with water. The two of them were caring for Spot and Ginger, another neighbor’s dogs, while their owner was in the hospital. “I’ve been a Christian all my life, I guess,” said Silas. “I go to church… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Acts 16:31

August 31, 2017

Extraordinary Tea

Bible Reading: John 15:8-11 Aunt Jan was brewing herbal tea when Kiera stopped by for a visit one Sunday afternoon. Kiera happily sat down in the homey kitchen and sniffed the air. “Orange blossom tea—my favorite,” said Aunt Jan with a smile. She pointed to a cake on the counter. “Help yourself.” Kiera got a… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 3:18

August 30, 2017

Chameleon Friends

Bible Reading: John 15:12-13 “Have you ever heard people use colors to describe their feelings?” Miss Iverson asked her class. Carter waved his hand to make sure she saw it. “Like green with envy?” “How about purple with rage?” Mei said. “Or blue—like when they’re sad.” “All good examples,” Miss Iverson said. “Now, people don’t… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Proverbs 17:17

August 29, 2017

Back on Your Feet

Bible Reading: 1 John 2:1-6 Baby Charlie toddled unsteadily from the sofa to a chair. Brianna watched him for a moment before turning her attention back to the book she was reading. Soon he was off again, this time heading for an armchair on the other side of the living room. About halfway there, he… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 John 2:6