Supper Mints

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 1:5-9 “Benji, here’s your vitamin.” Mom handed Benji a chewable multivitamin as he got up from the dinner table. Benji looked at the vitamin in his hand. “Is this a supper mint?” “A supper mint?” asked Mom. “No, it’s a vitamin. Why would you think it’s a mint?” “Because we’re supposed…

Good Gifts

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:8; Matthew 28:20 “I’m not going to sing in the choir at school anymore,” announced Shiloh when she got home. “The kids all laughed when I missed notes at rehearsal today. I’m never going to sing again!” “But you love choir!” said Mom. “And God gave you such a lovely voice.” “I…

A New Name

Bible Reading: Romans 8:14-17; 9:25-26 Jana sat quietly petting her new golden retriever puppy while Mom snapped the stems off green beans. “Mom, you’ll never guess what happened today,” Jana said. “Joy told our class she’s a real-life princess.” Mom let out a little chuckle, but when she looked at Jana’s face, she could tell…

Now You Know

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 3:4-11; Psalm 103:13-14 When the school bell rang, Jamal tossed his bag over his shoulder and headed for the door. He spotted his older brother, Marcus, standing on the sidewalk. “Hey, what’s up?” asked Marcus as they headed for home. “Not much.” Jamal kicked a plastic bottle, and it hit a…

Rescuing the Fallen

Bible Reading: Luke 19:1-10 “Hey buddy, what’s wrong?” Dad asked when it was time for Emerson’s bedtime prayers. “It’s Grandpa,” said Emerson. “He doesn’t believe in Jesus. That means he’s not going to heaven.” “He needs Jesus,” said Dad. “Shall we pray for him?” Emerson nodded, and he and his dad prayed for Emerson’s grandfather….

The Wise Squirrel

Bible Reading: Genesis 41:46-57 “Guess what Joseph is doing?” exclaimed Carlee as she burst into the kitchen. “He’s burying acorns near the apple tree!” “Who’s Joseph?” asked Mom. “The new boy next door?” Carlee laughed. “No, Mom! Joseph is the squirrel who comes to our garden. But why would he bury acorns instead of eating…

Drilling and Filling

Bible Reading: Leviticus 19:17-18; Matthew 5:43-48 After school, Jalen walked to the nearby dentist’s office where his mom worked as a receptionist. “Hi, Mom,” he said as he walked in. He plopped down onto a chair in the waiting room while she got ready to leave. His book bag slid to the floor beside him,…

Unseen, but Loved

Bible Reading: John 20:24-29 It was Grandparents’ Day at Matthew’s school, and the kids were taking turns introducing their grandparents to the class. When it was Matthew’s turn, he went forward and proudly introduced his grandparents. “Grandma and Grandpa Smith are visiting from Arizona,” he said. “They like to travel, and they’re going to take…

Lemonade, Anyone?

Bible Reading: Romans 8:18, 28-31 Aiden tried to stay out of the movers’ way as they carried furniture into the apartment, so he stood in the corner and frowned. “Why the long face?” asked one of the men who was helping. “I don’t like this apartment,” said Aiden. “I don’t get my own backyard.” He…

Never Alone

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:8; Matthew 28:20 Riley stopped in front of the Build-a-Friend shop at the mall. The white tiger in the display had a pink ballerina tutu and little pink toe shoes that laced around its ankles with sparkly pink ribbon. “Mom, look!” called Riley. But when Riley looked around, Mom was nowhere in…