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August 28, 2018
Bible Reading: Psalm 1:2; 2 Timothy 3:14-17 “What a summer this has turned out to be!” said Dakota. “When we moved to the country, I thought I’d be riding horses and wading in the creek. But lately it seems like all I’ve been doing is snapping beans, husking corn, shelling peas, and now peeling peaches… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3:16
August 27, 2018
Bible Reading: Psalm 141:3 “I can’t believe it! I studied hard for that history test, and I only got a B!” Tami said as she and her mother walked Chestnut, their shaggy brown Yorkshire Terrier. “But Jade said Betty cheated and got an A. It’s not fair!” “Jade caught Betty cheating?” Mom asked. “I don’t… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 13:34
August 26, 2018
Bible Reading: Proverbs 4:14-27 BANG! “What on earth are you doing?” Ty’s mom exclaimed as she rushed down the basement stairs. She gasped when she reached the bottom. “I was just experimenting with my chemistry set,” said Ty. “I didn’t know the stuff would blow up.” Mom frowned. “That’s like someone saying ‘I didn’t know… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Proverbs 4:14
August 25, 2018
Bible Reading: Luke 6:46-49; Romans 12:2 “Mom is being so unfair. She won’t let me download the music I want,” Esme said as she arranged and rearranged small colorful quilt squares on her grandma’s coffee table. She studied the design. “There! I think I’ve finally got it.” Her grandmother looked it over. “I like it… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 12:2
August 24, 2018
Bible Reading: James 3:3-8 Abby got in the car feeling guilty. She’d just had a fight with her best friend, who had received a much higher grade on her spelling test. “Look what I got!” Jessica had said, waving her test in the air. “You’re just a proud showoff!” Abby had spat back. As soon… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: James 1:19
August 23, 2018
Bible Reading: Matthew 4:1-11 “I’ll probably fail our math test today,” Caden told Tegan as they walked to school. “I’m really bad at multiplication.” “Yeah, me too,” said Tegan, “but I’m not going to fail. Want to know why?” She slid a card from under the cuff of her sleeve. “See? The multiplication tables are… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:13
August 22, 2018
Bible Reading: Proverbs 16:16-20 “Has anyone seen my math book?” asked Heidi. “I can’t find it anywhere.” But no one had seen it, and Heidi finally remembered she had left it at Megan’s house. My perfect homework record will be ruined! she thought. She always had her homework done at the beginning of class each… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Proverbs 16:18
August 21, 2018
Bible Reading: Romans 12:9-15; 2 Corinthians 12:9 “What’s wrong, David?” Mom asked as David got into the car. David sighed. “Mrs. Lewis told our class that Philip won’t be in school for a few days. His dad had a heart attack and died early this morning.” Mom gasped. “Oh no! That’s awful.” David nodded. “Principal… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Galatians 6:2
August 20, 2018
Bible Reading: Matthew 9:10-13; 1 Corinthians 10:14-17, 19-21 “Singur invited me to his birthday party next Saturday,” Toby told his mom and older sister, Katrina, who was doing homework with her hair tied up in a bandana. “He’s an awesome soccer player.” Toby pretended to head-butt a soccer ball into a goal, then raised his… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 4:19
August 19, 2018
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Gavin walked into the six-inch-deep stream right behind his friend Will. The water filled his shoes and stuck his pants to his ankles. The round stones shifted under his feet as he slogged through the water. Further downstream the rocks became larger and rougher, the ground more uneven, and the water… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10