March 26, 2018

Pray for Your Enemies

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:44-48; Ephesians 4:32 “No, not Amie! Now we’re really gonna lose!” The entire team sighed in unison as Amie approached the plate and waited for the kickball. She hadn’t felt well all morning, and now the weight of her teammates’ disgust seemed to make her insides churn even more. Just as the… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:44

March 25, 2018

A Pack of Worries

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-7 “What if I don’t make the team, Dad?” Felix asked as they hiked a rugged trail. He had spent most of their backpacking trip finding things to worry about. “Felix, I bet by now you’ve listed a dozen things that worry you,” Dad said. “I could understand your concerns if we… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:7

March 24, 2018

The Answer

Bible Reading: Psalm 40:1-5, 16-17 After a simple dinner one evening, Dad read out loud from his Bible. “‘I did not give up waiting for the Lord. And He turned to me and heard my cry.’” Dad looked up. “That’s a good verse for us. We need to be patient and keep trusting the Lord… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 40:1

March 23, 2018

Correct Address

Bible Reading: Acts 4:1, 7-12; Revelation 21:1-3 “Dad,” called Laila from the computer desk, “can you help me with this email? I sent it twice, but I don’t think it went anywhere.” Dad put down his book and walked over to Laila. “Are you sure you typed the address right?” he asked. Laila nodded. “Yes,… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 14:6

March 22, 2018

Sitting Still

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Trent looked at the fish lying in the bucket at Grandpa’s feet and frowned. “Why are they biting for you and not me?” he asked. “Well, you keep pulling in your line to check the bait and moving to different sides of the boat,” Grandpa said. “If you want to… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 46:10

March 21, 2018

Lose the Cowbell!

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 Samantha sighed and slid in her earbuds. Sometimes being part of a blended family wasn’t easy. She now had three siblings instead of just one, and they were constantly arguing. “We always watch this game show on Mondays.” Jessica stood in front of the TV with her hands on her… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1

March 20, 2018

A Cluttered Heart

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:12-15 “Some friend Ginny is,” Amina said as she came into the house. “She invited me over, then forgot I was coming and went to the mall with her mom.” “Well, I’m sure it wasn’t intentional,” said Mom. “Can’t you forgive her?” “Why should I?” Amina asked indignantly. “Because Jesus has forgiven… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:13

March 19, 2018

Poisoned Minds

Bible Reading: James 2:1-4, 8-10 “Mom, my new school is awful!” Tommy said, almost in tears. “The kids are so mean! They think that because we’re Navajo, we wear war paint and feathers and say, ‘Ugh! How! Me Big Chief Tommy Hawk.’ It’s humiliating!” “I’m sorry, Tommy,” Mom said. “I know what it’s like when… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: James 2:9

March 18, 2018

Little Lost Lamb

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:11; Luke 15:4-7 “Mom!” Nia ran into the kitchen. “My lamb is gone! I’m sure I latched the door after I fed him, but it’s open now and Wooly is gone.” “Oh dear,” said Mom. “Well, we’d better go look for him.” They started off, calling Wooly’s name as they searched the… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:14

March 17, 2018

The Whole Parade

Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:8-9; John 9:1-3 “Why, God?” murmured Jolene as she hugged her baby brother. They had recently learned that Kyler was deaf. “Oh, Jolene,” Mom had said gently after they found out. “God’s ways are not like ours. He is good, so we need to trust Him, even when we can’t understand.” But… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5