February 5, 2019

Caught in a Container

Bible Reading: Luke 5:27-32 Uncle Bob makes me so mad!” Aisha said when she finished a video chat with her cousin. “That was Kali, and she was crying. Uncle Bob has gone off drinking again, and the electric company is threatening to turn off the power if Aunt Grace doesn’t pay their bill by tomorrow.”… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 15:12

February 4, 2019

Sadie’s Ring

Bible Reading: Luke 18:28-30 Sadie and her dad had a special daily habit. She would sit on his lap when he came home from work, and he would say, “Sadie, do you love me?” Sadie would reply, “I love you, Daddy.” Then she would reach into his shirt pocket and find a little gift. It… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 85:12

February 3, 2019

Grandpa and God

Bible Reading: Romans 5:8; 8:35-39 Sawyer groaned as the bowling ball hooked slowly toward the left and rolled into the gutter. “I bet you wish you’d left me home,” he said, slumping into the seat beside his grandfather. “I didn’t even hit any pins.” Grandpa smiled and picked up his bowling ball. “Some days are… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 31:3

February 2, 2019

Free as the Air

Bible Reading: Romans 4:5-8 “I don’t understand Heidi,” Alma said as she looked down at a piece of candy she was holding. “A couple of days ago she gave me a bracelet to pay me back for helping her with math. Now she gave me this caramel roll to pay me back for a cookie… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 6:23

February 1, 2019

Practice Patience

Bible Reading: Proverbs 19:11; Colossians 3:12-14 CRASH! “Mom! Grayson knocked over my tower again!” Kenric wailed as Mom stepped into the living room. Grayson toddled over to Mom, sucking on his fingers, and Mom scooped him up in her arms. “I’m sorry, Kenric. I know you’re getting frustrated, but your brother is still a baby…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Galatians 5:22-23

January 31, 2019

Don’t Gulp It Down

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-16 Luke was obviously in a big hurry as he ate. He took huge bites, and he grabbed his milk to wash down large mouthfuls of food. He finished eating long before the rest of his family. “Can I be excused?” he asked. “Jameson invited me over to watch a movie. Can… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:15

January 30, 2019

Myrtle the Turtle

Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:1-3 “Guess what, Mom?” Amir pointed to a webpage on his computer screen. “They’re having a turtle race at the downtown festival again this year! I’m going to enter Myrtle in it.” Mom laughed. “Okay. Who knows? Maybe she’ll win.” “I think she will,” said Amir. “I’ll start training her right away.”… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:1-2

January 29, 2019

Hidden Socks

Bible Reading: Joshua 7:1, 19-26 “Is your room clean?” Mom raced past Beth’s room, her arms full of laundry and her tone a bit higher pitched than usual. “We need to leave as soon as you’re done. The movie won’t wait for us.” Beth shoved one more sock under her dresser. “Done!” She burst from… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Proverbs 28:13

January 28, 2019

Life’s Puzzle

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-10 “Did we get more puzzle pieces from Aunt Carrie?” Jillian asked when Dad came in with the mail. Aunt Carrie, an artist, was sending the kids a copy of a picture she had painted—but instead of sending the whole picture, she had cut it into pieces. Every few days she sent… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 48:14

January 27, 2019

Source of Life

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:1-5 “Hi, Tyson,” said Grandma when Tyson came to her house one Saturday afternoon. “You won’t believe what I bought today!” “What’s that?” asked Tyson. Grandma showed him. “A smartphone!” Tyson exclaimed. “Good for you, Grandma.” “I even have some music on it already,” Grandma said. “You can listen to it with… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 John 5:12