Roller Coaster Ride

Bible Reading: Joshua 1:9; Psalm 34:4; Isaiah 41:9-10 Malachi timidly walked up to the roller coaster and crammed into the long line with a bunch of squirmy kids. There was a lot of shouting and chattering. He stood silently staring as the line crept along. “There’s no, um, big drop on this ride, is there?”…


Bible Reading: Exodus 2:1-10; Galatians 4:4-7 Tayden slipped in the back door, dropped his books on the kitchen table, and slumped into a chair. “What’s wrong?” Mom asked. “Bad day at school?” Tayden nodded. “Want to talk about it?” “Not really.” Tayden didn’t know if what happened would hurt his mom as much as it…

Underground Railroad

Bible Reading: Psalm 51:5; John 8:30-36 “Hi, Rosetta,” said Mom as she set a bag of groceries on the counter. “Lots of homework today?” Rosetta looked up from the books and papers scattered across the table. “Yeah. I have a report due on Tuesday.” “Oh? On what?” asked Mom as she started putting food in…

One Day You’ll See

Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-4; 22:1-5 “Mom, I wish I could explain colors to Lindy,” said Maranda. Lindy was a friend from church who was blind. “When I was at the park with her this afternoon, we overhead some people talking about how blue the sky was, and she told me she wished she could understand…


Bible Reading: Matthew 18:11-13; John 10:11-14 Amir closed his eyes and sighed in frustration. For the first time, Wyatt had accepted an invitation to go to church. The teacher had explained that people are lost in sin, and Jesus came to find them and save them. But Wyatt didn’t understand. “I don’t get it,” he…

Ages of Life

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:8-12; Philippians 4:11-13 Isla smiled as she looked at her baby brother still asleep in his crib. Emmett is really cute, but I’m so glad I’m not a baby. All he does is eat and sleep. How boring! At the breakfast table, Isla watched Mom butter toast and pour coffee. Mom’s…

Lacey’s Little Coins

Bible Reading: Luke 21:1-4; 1 Corinthians 10:31 Lacey zipped her backpack and skipped toward the library’s exit. She had always loved books, and today’s field trip with her class meant she could finally get her own library card. As Lacey waited to check out a few novels, an older woman spoke with the librarian about…

End-of-Season Sale

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:8-15 “Look at my new sweater!” said Brianne, holding it up for her dad to see. “You should see all the stuff Mom and I got on sale today.” Mom sighed. “Yes, but it was such a hassle getting through the crowds at the mall and pawing through the racks of clothes…

The Birthday Gift

Bible Reading: John 3:16; 10:27-30; Romans 6:23 “I had fun today,” said Marcos when his mom came to say goodnight. He had spent the afternoon at a birthday party for his friend Liam. “Liam really likes the game I gave him,” Marcos said with a grin. “Some of us played it with him for a…

The Worrier

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:25-34 Lily worried about everything. One day at recess, she was so worried that she sat on a swing, tears trickling down her cheeks. Her friend Anna sat beside her. “Why are you crying?” “I’m worried.” “About what?” Lily wiped away her tears. “Everything. I’m worried about our spelling quiz and about…