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April 17, 2019
Bible Reading: Matthew 10:29–31 “Mom, look!” Ava pointed to a tree in the backyard. “The two owls we’ve seen have owlets. There are two on that limb and one in the tree hollow. They’re so cute!” “It looks like they’re fledging, or learning to fly. We should go inside.” They went into the house and… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 121:8
April 16, 2019
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13–16 “Good morning!” Mom said as Alexa came into the kitchen. “Breakfast is ready, and it’s already on the table.” “It’s oatmeal, and I made it!” added Alexa’s sister, Violet, as she got milk from the refrigerator. Alexa sat down, scooped brown sugar onto her oatmeal, and tasted it. She added a… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13
April 15, 2019
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19–21; Hebrews 11:24–26 “Hey, what are you doing with that twig?” Noah asked, pointing to a small plant inside the pail his friend Trent was holding. “It’s an apple tree,” replied Trent. “No kidding? Looks like a dead stick to me.” Noah shook his head and changed the subject. “I’m going to… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:25
April 14, 2019
Bible Reading: John 15:12–14, 17 When Lacey and her brother Julian came home from school, the family dog ran to meet them. “Hey there, Beau,” said Lacey. She reached down to pet him as he bounced back and forth between her and Julian, eagerly wagging his tail. “Hi, kids. How was school today?” asked Mom…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 John 4:7
April 13, 2019
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:12–13; James 4:7–8 “Hey! Who ate the chocolate chips?” said Mom, sounding irritated. A big blue bowl, flour, butter, and brown sugar sat on the kitchen counter. Mom walked to where Julie and her younger brother were doing homework at the table. “Who ate the chocolate chips?” she asked again. “I… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:13
April 12, 2019
Bible Reading: Romans 8:28–29 David trudged into the room where his teenage sister, Rachel, sat pinning a beetle into her insect collection display. Rachel twirled around in her wheelchair and immediately noticed her brother’s frustrated expression. “What’s wrong?” Rachel asked David groaned. “Today was terrible! I got a D on my math test. I’m just… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 8:28
April 11, 2019
Bible Reading: Acts 4:1–12 Ethan’s mom was making dinner when he walked into their apartment. “Hi, Mom,” he said as he put his coat in the closet. “Youth group was great! We had a missionary speaker who talked to us about how to tell people about Jesus.” He cringed when he heard a bowl come… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Acts 4:12
April 10, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 133:1–3 “Mom!” Paige wailed down the hall. “Bobby got into my room again! And he messed up my jewelry!” “I’m sorry, honey,” Mom said when she came to see the damage. “I’ll try to watch him more closely.” The toddler loved to go into his sister’s room and open her drawers, color… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 133:1
April 9, 2019
Bible Reading: Romans 12:17–21 Kallie looked up from her homework when someone knocked on her bedroom door. “Come in.” “You left this in the kitchen,” her mom said, holding up a phone. “I heard it buzz and saw a message pop up. It was from Meg, and she said the picture of Susan you sent… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 12:21
April 8, 2019
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4–7 “I don’t hear any music!” Mom called from the kitchen. “You’ve only been playing ten minutes. You still have another ten to go!” “But, Mom,” said Peter, “I’ve played every song.” Mom came to the living room. “Then play them each again—and again and again, if there’s time. You promised that… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4