May 18, 2019

Catch of the Day

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:18–22 Laney helped her dad get the fishing gear together and put it in the car. “All set, Dad! Let’s go!” She was excited about her first fishing trip with her father. As they traveled to the lake, Laney told Dad about a conversation she’d recently had with a friend. “I finally… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:19

May 17, 2019

A Picky Witness

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:19–23 “I’m going to be a pilot when I grow up,” Gavin told his friend Beck as they watched a small plane circling overhead. “I want to be a missionary pilot!” His words were drowned out by the noise of the plane. “That’s an agricultural plane,” Gavin said when he could… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:19

May 16, 2019

Let Them See

Bible Reading: John 1:37–49 “What’s our story about tonight, Mom?” Sage asked when the family had gathered for their nightly story, Bible reading, and prayer. “It’s a story about a blind man in Africa,” Mom replied. “He heard about a doctor who could operate on eyes. Listen.” She began to read. “Ktiba walked many miles…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 1:42

May 15, 2019

Little Treasures

Bible Reading: Luke 12:29–34; James 1:17 “Here’s some juice for you, Lilah,” Dante said, holding out a sippy cup. Two-year-old Lilah toddled over to her brother and held out one hand. Her other tiny fist was clenched tightly around the arm of a doll Dante had given her earlier. “Put your doll down so you… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Luke 12:34

May 14, 2019

You’re the Boss

Bible Reading: Psalm 3:1–8 Note: This story may not be suitable for young children. “Well, everybody, how was your day?” asked Mom as she passed the chicken. “It was a bit frustrating,” replied Dad. “Jim Green didn’t like my proposal. But he’s the boss; I have to do what he says, so we need to… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 4:8

May 13, 2019

A True Friend

Bible Reading: 1 John 3:16–19 Grady had tried to be a good friend to Hyuk. When kids poked fun at Hyuk’s name because it was different from theirs, it was Grady who came to his aid. When they failed to include Hyuk in their plans, Grady was the one who spoke up for him. But… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Proverbs 17:17

May 12, 2019

No Stepmother Card (Part 2)

Bible Reading: John 15:9–12, 16–17 Tegan went outside and called loudly for her brother. “What a really dumb idea,” she said, “sending flowers to Tina! She’s not our mom, and you didn’t have any right putting my name on that card.” “I like her, and I thought she should get flowers for Mother’s Day, but… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 13:34

May 11, 2019

No Stepmother Card (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Romans 8:28–31 “Can we please skip church tomorrow?” Tegan asked her dad. “It’s Mother’s Day, and I don’t have a mother anymore. Just a stepmother.” Tegan was not happy about her father’s new wife, and she rarely hid those feelings. “I wish you would try to accept your stepmother for who she is,… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 8:28

May 10, 2019

Spiritual Water

Bible Reading: John 4:13–14 Kyle ran into the kitchen, grabbed a cup out of the cupboard, and filled it with cold water. He drank it quickly, then filled his cup a second time. “How come you’re so thirsty?” Mom asked as she watched Kyle drink the second glass almost as fast as the first. “I… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:6

May 9, 2019

Ashlynn’s History Lesson

Bible Reading: Psalm 77:11–12; 2 Timothy 3:16–17 “I hate history!” Ashlynn grumbled. “I don’t see why I have to learn about things that happened such a long time ago.” Her dislike for history carried over to church. “It’s boring to study the kings and judges and all that history in the Bible—especially in the Old… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 15:4