June 6, 2019

Never Alone

Bible Reading: Isaiah 53:1–9 This story may not be suitable for young or sensitive children. Ellie groaned as she tossed and turned in her bed. In her dreams, she went back to the day her parents died. Ellie’s parents had been missionaries ever since she was a baby, and when she was eight, they were… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Isaiah 53:4

June 5, 2019

Toads and Apples

Bible Reading: Genesis 3:1–6 “Dad!” Declan called from upstairs. “Will you settle an argument for us?” “I’ll help if I can,” Dad called back. “What’s the problem?” Declan and his brother Grady came thumping down the stairs. “Well, Grady thinks toads have smooth skin and frogs have lumpy skin, but I think it’s the other… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 33:4

June 4, 2019

The Odd Aardvark

Bible Reading: Romans 12:4–8 “Hey, Mom! Look at this weird-looking animal!” exclaimed Manuel as he peered over the fence of the city zoo. He and his mom were enjoying walking through the different zoo exhibits and learning neat facts about animals Manuel had never seen before. “That’s an aardvark,” said Mom. “An aardvark! I think… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:10

June 3, 2019

Charged Up

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14–17 After shopping at the mall, Cora and her mother headed for the parking lot and climbed into their car. “What’s the matter with the car?” asked Cora in alarm as her mother tried to start it. There was a slight grinding sound, and then silence. “I don’t know,” Mom said,… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 3:16–17

June 2, 2019

Stop and Look Around You

Bible Reading: Romans 5:8; Philippians 2:1–4; 1 John 4:7–8 Felipe’s fingers raced across his tablet as he sat on the subway. His mom and sister sat behind him going over Adela’s Bible verse for church. Every afternoon, their mom met them at school to ride home with them. And every day, Felipe played the same… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 John 4:7

June 1, 2019

Open the Door

Bible Reading: John 1:1, 10–13 “I have to draw a flower for art class this weekend,” Kezi told her mom. “I think I’ll go draw one of the purple ones growing on the other side of Mr. Preston’s fence.” Mr. Preston was a neighbor the family knew well who had a small farm down the… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Revelation 3:20

May 31, 2019

Not Ashamed

Bible Reading: Romans 6:16–23 “Mom, look at this!” called Lori from her bedroom. She had decided to rearrange her furniture, but when she moved the dresser, she saw that the wall behind it was covered with ugly marks. “Isn’t that awful?” exclaimed Lori as her mother walked in. “Tricia must have done that, but I… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 6:21

May 30, 2019

Persistence Pays

Bible Reading: Luke 11:5–13 “Oh, wow! A chemistry set!” exclaimed Carlos when he opened the birthday present from his parents. “It’s just what I wanted!” His parents chuckled. “We know,” said Mom. “How could we help but know after all the hints you’ve given?” “Hints?” asked Carlos innocently. Dad laughed. “Well, when I walked into… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:17

May 29, 2019

The Boss’ Boss

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:13–17 “I get tired of everybody bossing me around, Grandpa,” grumbled Tripp. “My teacher said I had to stay in at recess and finish my homework. Dad told me to clean the garage. Mom says I have to make my bed every day. And my Sunday school teacher gives me Bible… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 13:1

May 28, 2019

Perfect Baby

Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:14–18; 1 Peter 1:13–16 “Hi, honey,” said Mom as Wren came into the house. “How would you like to go to Aunt Melody’s to see the new baby?” “Yes!” Wren squealed. “I can’t wait to see her.” At Aunt Melody’s house, Wren held her new cousin. “Oh, she’s so beautiful,” she said…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: James 1:4