June 17, 2019

God’s Creation

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:11–18; Matthew 10:30 Noah ran out to meet his father when he saw his car pull into the driveway. “Hey, Dad! Did you see the picture I sent you? Sheba had her puppies!” “Yes, I saw it. That’s great! How many does she have?” asked Dad. “Seven,” replied Noah. “Come see them.”… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:14

June 16, 2019

He’s the Dad

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5–9 “Can I have apple pie for dessert?” asked Beck. He and his family were having dinner at their favorite restaurant, celebrating their decision to move to Honduras and start a church there. “Sounds good!” said Dad. “I’ll have a piece too.” As the waitress left with their dessert order, Beck had… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:19

June 15, 2019

The Right Accent

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:1–2; Colossians 3:8–10 “Okay, I’ll talk to y’all next week. Bye!” London hung up the phone and turned to find her brother Liam snickering behind her. “What’s so funny?” she asked. “I would have known you were talking to our grandparents in Texas even if I hadn’t talked to them a few… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:2

June 14, 2019

Shining Stars

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:14–16; 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 “It’s hot out here!” Maria whined as she climbed up the grassy hill on their family campout. “Calm down, Maria,” her mom replied, “we’re almost to the campsite.” “My feet hurt, and I’m thirsty. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!” Maria complained loudly. “Whoa! I’d like… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:14

June 13, 2019

Bad Bananas

Bible Reading: Psalm 18:30–32, 35–36, 46 “Ahchoo!” Cole sneezed into his elbow as he wandered into the kitchen. He sniffed, then scowled. “Why did I have to get sick on the weekend?” he grumbled. “Dad was going to pick me up and take me hiking! Now he says I can’t go with this cold.” “And… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 8:28

June 12, 2019

A Listening Ear

Bible Reading: Psalm 86:1–7; 120:1 “Wow! This beach is crowded today,” Micah said as Mom spread out some towels and Dad planted an umbrella in the sand. “It’s awfully noisy too,” said Mom. “Everybody’s laughing or shouting or making noise of some kind.” Adding happy shouts to all the beach sounds, Micah and his brothers… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 33:3

June 11, 2019

No Secrets

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 8:11–13; 1 John 1:8–9 Isabelle looked worried as she walked into the living room. “Mom says you’re going to have surgery on your back,” she told her dad. Dad nodded. “Yes, I’ve had a sore back for a long time. The doctor says an old injury is causing the trouble. I was… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17:10

June 10, 2019

Smashed Hopes

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12–17 David and Timothy were excited about the baby watermelons growing in the garden of their new house. “Come look at our garden!” Timothy said when their new neighbors, Jacob and Brandon, came over to play. “Are those watermelons?” Jacob asked. “Yes,” David answered. “We can’t wait until they’re big enough… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:32

June 9, 2019

Tried and True

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:6–7; Hebrews 11:1–6 “Oh, it smells good in here,” said Presley as she and Kenna stepped into the kitchen. “Thanks for inviting me for dinner.” “What’s cooking, Mom?” Kenna asked. “It’s a chicken and rice casserole.” Mom lifted the cover off a crockpot. “I hope you like it, Presley.” When Presley… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:6–7

June 8, 2019

Filled Up with Love

Bible Reading: Romans 5:5; 12:10 Jackson aimed the hose and squirted water into the center of an orange inflatable pool—his sister’s favorite birthday gift. The first thing Addy wanted this morning was to get in her “swimmy pool.” Jackson’s job was to fill it while she finished breakfast. Soon she burst through the back door,… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 5:5