The Legend of Two Wolves

Bible Reading: Romans 7:19-25; 1 John 5:4-5 Jamar loved the smell of the pine forest mingling with the smoke from campfires as he and his dad sat in the outdoor amphitheater at the national park campground. They were listening to the park ranger talk about wolves. Near the end of his talk, the ranger said,…

The List

Bible Reading: Revelation 21:22-27 Ella smoothed her dress out and reached into her purse to feel the worn pages of her book. She couldn’t believe she was going to meet her favorite author! One of Mom’s friends worked with the author and invited Ella and Mom to come to a special book signing event. Ella…

False Teeth

Bible Reading: Colossians 2:6-10 “Aaagh!” screamed Olivia when she looked into a cup on her grandmother’s bathroom counter. “There are teeth in this cup!” She heard Grandma laugh and walked into her bedroom. “I forgot that you wear false teeth. They don’t look false when they’re in your mouth.” “Good,” said Grandma. “Then maybe only…

The Disobedient Dino

Bible Reading: Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:15-17 It was the day he had been waiting for, his eighth birthday! James couldn’t wait to open his gifts. He had been asking for a Robo Dino for months and was certain he would not be disappointed. He couldn’t wait to train it to sit, roll over, do…

Troubled Times

Bible Reading: John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; Philippians 4:6-7 Lincoln watched the shadows flicker on his bedroom ceiling. He could hear his younger brothers snoring down the hall. But he lay wide awake, his heart as heavy and cold as a stone. His parents usually turned off the news when he came into the room,…

A Place of Escape

Bible Reading: Psalm 71:1-5; 1 John 4:4 Nora and her dad sat outside, watching for birds. “Look, Dad! A cardinal,” said Nora when a flash of crimson caught her eye. The little red bird landed on a nearby rock, then flew into a huge maple tree. Nora lifted her binoculars and tried to locate the…

The Brick House (Part 2)

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 “The bricks have arrived for that house I’ll be working on, William,” said Dad. “I’m going over there now. Want to come along?” “Sure,” said William, and soon they arrived at the building site. “Wow! That’s a huge pile of bricks!” William exclaimed. “I guess that means you’ve got a…

The Brick House (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Luke 6:47-49 “Look over there, William. That’s where I’ll be laying bricks soon,” said Dad. “Want to take a look?” “Sure,” said William. Dad pulled up to the curb and they got out and walked over to the site. “What’s going to be built here?” asked William. “A house,” answered Dad. “A brick…

Grounded in Love

Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:5-11 Stella stared out the kitchen window and sighed. “Today’s too nice to be stuck in here,” she grumbled. Mom handed her another dish to dry. “You should have thought of that yesterday when you decided to come home an hour late and refused to answer my texts.” Stella continued to look…

Looking Forward, Not Behind

Bible Reading: Philippians 3:12-14 “Watch where you’re going!” Blossom quickly reached out and stopped her toddler sister from walking into the wall. Mom chuckled. “She should look in front of her instead of turning her head to make sure we’re watching, huh?” Blossom moved over to the sofa as her sister plopped down on the…