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July 6, 2019
Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-5 “Look, Forest! An old baseball card!” exclaimed Jalen as the boys searched through a box in Grandpa’s attic. “Maybe Grandpa will let us have it.” “Yeah. I’ll ask him,” Forest said. He disappeared through the attic’s trap door while Jalen continued to look at other things Grandpa had stored up there…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:14
July 5, 2019
Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:1-6 Raya stood in the backyard and looked up into the big maple tree. “Dad!” she called. “Help me!” “What’s wrong?” asked Dad as he ran toward her. “It’s Daisy,” said Raya, tears filling her eyes. She pointed up. “She’s stuck in the tree. She climbed up there, but now she can’t… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 25:4
July 4, 2019
Bible Reading: John 8:31-36 Isaac closed his eyes and let the cool breeze of the New York Bay wash over his face. He turned to his sister, Hannah, who was standing next to him on the ferry headed toward Liberty Island. “I can’t wait to see the Statue of Liberty up close! My friend Zack… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 8:36
July 3, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 19 BOOM! BOOM! As the loud sound of the fireworks was followed by a shower of colorful sparks cascading downward, Hudson grinned and Chloe covered her ears. “I don’t like the noise,” she said, “but the fireworks sure are pretty!” The fireworks at the county fairgrounds the night before the Fourth of… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 19:1
July 2, 2019
Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:1-9 “I am the king!” four-year-old Bryce said majestically, putting on the glittery cardboard crown he’d just made. He took his mother’s broken wooden spoon for his scepter and climbed into Dad’s big leather chair. “Now you have to do whatever I say, Caden,” he told his foster brother. Caden laughed, then… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:5
July 1, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 103:1-5 Paige rubbed her eyes hard. Don’t be a baby, she told herself. So you won’t go to summer camp this year. That’s no reason to cry. She stuffed the camp brochure into her pocket, closed the mailbox, and went into the house. “Is that you, Tom?” called her mother. “No, it’s… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 103:2
June 30, 2019
Bible Reading: Titus 3:3–7 After playing for a while in the basement, little Penelope came upstairs and walked into the living room with an armful of bundles. “Look!” she cried. “I made presents!” She handed one to each member of her family. Bryce wrinkled his nose. “Something stinks!” He sniffed the present in his hand…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Isaiah 64:6
June 29, 2019
Bible Reading: John 15:12–13 “Are you ready?” Uncle Rick shouted over the sound of the boat’s motor. “All ready!” Alex and Susan responded in unison. As they slowly moved forward, the long rope connecting Alex and Susan’s tube to the back of the boat began to tighten, and so did their stomachs. This was their… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 15:13
June 28, 2019
Bible Reading: Philippians 2:12–18 It was moving day. Alaina sat sullenly in the back seat as her mom followed the moving truck Dad was driving. She let out a heavy sigh and started complaining . . . again. “I don’t want to move. I don’t want to leave my friends, and I don’t want to… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5
June 27, 2019
Bible Reading: Romans 10:13–15 As Parker’s family left their mission work to return to their own country for a few months, they sadly said goodbye to Aniceta. She had helped them translate the New Testament into her language. They knew she would miss them very much, and they would miss her too. In the weeks… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 10:15