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December 5, 2019
Bible Reading: Matthew 25:1-13; 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 “Jesus loves each and every one of you,” said Mrs. Anderson, Kiera’s Bible club teacher. It was the end of the meeting and everyone had their heads bowed for the closing prayer. “He died on the cross and rose again to save you from sin and give you… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:6
December 4, 2019
Bible Reading: Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Frustrated, Todd and Jason held blue puzzle pieces in their hands, trying to figure out where to put them. “This is so hard!” Todd said as he tried fitting pieces together. “Every piece looks the same!” Jason slammed down his piece of the blue sky. Mrs. Stenman, Todd’s… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Philippians 1:6
December 3, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:1-3, 8; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Catch, Wyatt!” Mom tossed a Frisbee high in the air. “Don’t let Avery get it!” Wyatt and Mom were a team against Avery and Dad. Avery squealed and reached for the spinning disk, but Wyatt jumped and caught it with the tips of his fingers. He came… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:20
December 2, 2019
Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Peter 1:2-3 “See you tomorrow, guys!” shouted Forest, ducking snowballs as he ran through the back door. “Sounds like quite a fight out there,” said Alec, his older brother. “It is!” exclaimed Forest. “My sled makes a great shield. I built up a stockpile of snowballs behind it, and then—BAM!… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:11
December 1, 2019
Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:8-11 Nadia cried out as she tripped on the steps to the door of her house. “Ouch! My knee!” She looked down at her badly skinned knee and started to cry. “What’s wrong?” asked Mom when Nadia came in. Nadia pointed to her knee. “Let’s clean that up,” Mom said, picking up… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Proverbs 19:21
November 30, 2019
Bible Reading: Genesis 1:27; Matthew 22:15-21 “Grandpa’s here!” Koda called as his grandfather drove into the yard. “He said he was going to bring some coins for your collection, didn’t he?” said Koda’s sister, Gwen. “I wonder what kind he has.” After greeting everyone, Grandpa put a bag full of coins on the table. “I… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 12:1
November 29, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-16 “My nose is so ugly,” moaned Bella as she glared at her reflection in the mirror. “Why do I have to be stuck with such a big nose?” “I like your nose just fine,” said Mom. “You’re a beautiful girl.” “Oh, you have to say that,” said Bella. “You’re my mother.”… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:14
November 28, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 100:4-5; 107:31-32 Marcus picked up a pen and drew a line down the middle of a piece of paper to make two columns. His Sunday school teacher had asked the class to bring in a list of things they were thankful for and a list of things they were not so thankful… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:20
November 27, 2019
Bible Reading: John 3:16; Romans 3:23-24 “Cora, can you go get the mail, please?” Cora’s mom asked as she watered her poinsettia. “But it’s so cold out!” Cora complained. Mom gave her a look, and Cora sighed. “All right, I will.” Cora pulled on her boots and coat and stepped out into the cold night…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 3:16
November 26, 2019
Bible Reading: Proverbs 27:6; Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75 “Whoa, there!” Mom said when she saw her daughter’s tear-stained cheeks. “What’s wrong?” Lydia sniffled. “Emma and I had a fight.” “I’m sorry to hear that. Come tell me about it.” Mom put two cookies on a plate and poured a glass of milk for Lydia. “What did… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:15