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December 15, 2019
Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:23-25 “Dad, why do we go to church so much?” asked Denver one Sunday as the family got into the car. “We go more than any of my friends do. Why do we go so often?” “To worship God,” came the reply from Denver’s brother, Austin. “And to learn more about Jesus.”… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 122:1
December 14, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 51:1-10 “I think everyone had fun at my slumber party,” said Willa. “That’s great,” said Mom, “and you were a perfect hostess. I like the way you treated your friends.” Willa sighed. “Skye spilled chocolate milk on my new bedspread, and it left a big brown stain. She felt so bad, so… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 101:2
December 13, 2019
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 “Look at this, Mom!” Konrad pointed to a webpage on his tablet. “It says here the local library has declared today to be a fine-free day. All overdue books can be returned without paying a fine.” Konrad grinned. “I have a whole bunch of books that are overdue!” Konrad’s sister… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:2
December 12, 2019
Bible Reading: John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:7-11 Mom turned from the sink when she heard a door slam and feet running quickly down the stairs. “Mom!” Alicia cried as she ran into the kitchen. “Candice is being mean to me, and she even said she hates Christmas!” Alicia’s foster mom dried her hands. “I heard… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 13:34
December 11, 2019
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 “Five more people were saved at the revival meeting tonight!” Regan’s father exclaimed as he walked into the house late one evening. “I’m so glad Pastor Henderson was able to be the special speaker for the week. I always thought he had a real gift for preaching.” “Yes, and several… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:7
December 10, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 46:7-11 “Watch me, Grandma. I’m a pigeon!” Dallas said with a giggle as they walked through the park. Soon Grandma was laughing because Dallas had captured the pigeon walk perfectly—head forward…stop…head back…stop. “If you’re a pigeon, Dallas, you better have some popcorn,” Grandma said when they reached the sidewalk vendor. She bought… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 46:10
December 9, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 27:1-6 As Josie headed home after school, she dreaded going into the empty house. She thought about what her teacher had told her class earlier that day. “There are millions of kids who are home without adults for some time each day,” Mrs. Richards had said. “Many of them are scared but… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Joshua 1:9
December 8, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 92:1-4 “Wow, look at the snow!” six-year-old Emery exclaimed as she and her brother Cole looked out the living room window. Together they watched fat flakes of snow drift down. The weather woman had said a big snowstorm—a blizzard—was coming, so all morning they had watched for it. Emery and Cole had… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 118:24
December 7, 2019
Bible Reading: Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 2:1-20 Summer carefully placed the last glittering ornament on the Christmas tree and grinned. “Cameron, it’s ready!” Summer’s older brother started the countdown, then plugged in the lights. “It looks awesome!” Cameron exclaimed. “I like how we pick a color theme every year. Red and gold is the best theme… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Luke 2:11
December 6, 2019
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, 11-15 “Ho, ho, ho! And a merry Christmas to you!” bellowed a tall Santa at the entrance to Mia’s favorite toy store. Mia and her dad were doing some last-minute Christmas shopping. They needed a few more things for the shoeboxes they were filling for kids who lived in orphanages… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:15