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January 4, 2020
Bible Reading: Psalm 46 “One more! One more!” As Nathan cheered him on, Darius carefully laid another fork on top of the pyramid. Got it! It had started as a row of forks on the kitchen table, tines pointing down. Then the brothers set another row on top of it, the tip of each tine… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 46:10
January 3, 2020
Bible Reading: Psalm 92:5-7, 12-15 The holidays were officially over. Several Christmas trees with forgotten bits of tinsel had been placed along the sidewalks, waiting to be hauled away. On a drive home from their grandparents’ house, Maya and her brother Logan counted them. “Eight,” Maya announced. “Nine,” Logan corrected her. “A man back there… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 92:12
January 2, 2020
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:10-13 “Oh, Mom, pleeease!” begged Nayori as she scrolled through a webpage on her mom’s laptop. “Please get me one of these cool sweatshirts! Everyone at school has one!” As she spoke, they heard a loud cry, and her little brother came out of the playroom. “I got hurt!” Sebastian sobbed. “I… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:11
January 1, 2020
Bible Reading: Psalm 27:4-8; Luke 10:38-42 “Stephanie loaded the last cup in the dishwasher and sighed. It was another new year, and all her friends had lofty goals to accomplish—make the cheerleading team, run a mile in a certain amount of time, learn to cook like the next Master Chef. God, I’m just so tired!… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Psalm 27:8
December 31, 2019
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:5-14 “Grandpa, I get to stay up till after midnight!” Mallory said as she told her grandfather about the New Year’s Eve party her friend was having. “I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.” “Sounds great,” said Grandpa. His eyes twinkled. “Have I ever told you about the New Year’s Eve… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:9-10
December 30, 2019
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-11 I still can’t believe Coltan and his dad didn’t even thank us for the stuff we gave them,” Austin said as he and his dad drove home after taking groceries to the Baker family. He looked out the window as they passed by a small lake. “Oh no! It’s thawing!… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:8
December 29, 2019
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:22-24 “Are you going to take those groceries to somebody?” Austin asked when he saw his father pick up his car keys and a bag of groceries from the table. Austin knew the church often supplied food for families with a need and Dad sometimes delivered them. Dad nodded. “The Bakers, who… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:23
December 28, 2019
Bible Reading: Philippians 2:13-16 The musty, dusty smell of the attic tickled Garrett’s nose, and he sneezed. “Some of this stuff looks like it hasn’t been touched in years!” he said as he helped his mother sort things out. He held up a box. “Look, Mom! Here are some dingy old knives and forks and… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:16
December 27, 2019
Bible Reading: Proverbs 11:9-13, 17 “Look at that penguin!” exclaimed Mia. “Look how he waddles. Doesn’t he remind you of somebody?” Sam snickered. “Yeah—Mr. Thompkins!” At another cage, he pointed to a billy goat with a long beard. “Is that Mr. Benjamin from church? He really needs to shave. People are going to think he’s… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 5:8
December 26, 2019
Bible Reading: Psalm 31:1-5 “This is fun,” said Miles as he guided the aluminum fishing boat across the lake. The wind was strong and the waves were quite high, but Dad had agreed to let Miles try steering the boat. “Need a little help?” asked Dad. Miles shook his head. “I can do it alone.”… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Isaiah 58:11