
Bible Reading: Matthew 13:1-11, 18-23 “I can’t sleep in my room!” cried four-year-old Jonah as he climbed into bed with his brother Jacob. “The mean bear will eat me!” “That was just a story,” Jacob tried to explain. “I made that up.” Jonah got under the covers and snuggled up to Jacob. “I’m scared.” Dad…

The Banner

Bible Reading: Exodus 17:8-15 “That was a great movie!” Braedon said as he turned off the TV. “But the way people fought wars long ago sure was different than now.” Colton nodded. “When that whole troop of knights on horses came charging down the hill, it threw the enemy into total chaos!” “Yeah, but there’s…

Post Office Box Neighbors

Bible Reading: John 15:12; Galatians 6:9-10 In the pouring rain, Millie and her mom ran into the post office to check their mail. They didn’t have a mailbox at their home—they rented a box from the post office. “I’m soaked! Just another thing to add to my horrible day,” Mrs. Snyder, Millie and mom’s post…

Lessons from a Praying Mantis

Bible Reading: Mark 11:24; Ephesians 6:18; Hebrews 4:16 Kyle stared out the window, his homework forgotten on the table in front of him. He had been daydreaming, not very interested in solving his math problems, when he noticed a praying mantis perched on the bush outside. Kyle was mesmerized by the interesting creature. The mantis…

Planting Trees

Bible Reading: Galatians 6:6-10 Tired and sweaty, Gabriel came into the house. “Mom! Do we have any more lemonade? It’s like a billion degrees out there.” “I’m making lemonade right now,” Mom said. “I can’t believe the weather we’re having this early in the year! I’m surprised you and Max are playing basketball in this…

No Amazing Tricks Required

Bible Reading: Ephesians 3:18-19 “Next week we will have a pet show,” Ivy’s teacher announced to her class. Ivy’s feet did a happy dance. She couldn’t wait to bring her dog Mose to school. Violet waved her hand. “Do you want my mother to be the judge? She knows all about dog shows because my…

The Best Answer

Bible Reading: Romans 8:26-28 It hadn’t been a good week for Isaiah. Nothing seemed to be fun anymore since his best friend Thomas moved away. “Please, dear God,” Isaiah prayed every night, “let Thomas come back and live here again.” “I know you miss Thomas very much,” Dad said one afternoon as he and Isaiah…

Broken Window

Bible Reading: Romans 6:1-11 Jaxon hadn’t meant to break the window. The ball had slipped out of his hand, and now he stood in front of a mess. If only there was some way to hide it, Jaxon thought. But there wasn’t. He couldn’t fix it. He’d broken his bedroom window, and his parents were…

The Trinity Tree

Bible Reading: Matthew 28:16-20; John 14:16-17, 26 Anya inhaled the rich scent of the woods. She loved these weekly hikes to various parks in Michigan with her homeschool group. Remi and Taylor, two of her best friends, ran around her. “Come on, Anya, race you to that dune!” The three friends looked over the shimmering…

Treasures That Matter

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-12 “What’s the matter, honey?” Mom asked when Amelia came into the house. “Your face is telling me something isn’t right.” Amelia’s words came in a rush. “Abby’s always bragging about her clothes and all the places she gets to go and how much money she has. Today she wouldn’t stop…