A Real Offering

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 “Mom, can I have some money to put in the collection plate?” asked Gunnar. “Didn’t you bring your own offering?” Mom asked. Gunnar shook his head. Mom frowned, but she reached into her wallet and took out some money. “Just this once,” she said as she handed it to Gunnar….

Always Light

Bible Reading: Psalm 27:1-5 “Tre, what are you doing out here?” Granddad asked. Tre sat cross-legged on the balcony of his grandparents’ apartment. Honking car horns and screeching city buses filled the night air. Tre scrunched his knees to his chest. “Trying not to think about school,” he said, looking down. “Aw, Tre, I know…

Soaring Eagle

Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31 Julie loved watching the birds with her grannie. There were so many colorful species to see, and her grannie knew the names of them all. “It would be fun to fly,” Julie said as she watched a bright red cardinal take off from the bird feeder. “Can you imagine soaring into…

Wear Your Shoes

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:11-17 Lilly and her family lived in Florida out in the country. Her neighbors were horses on one side and cows on the other. Lilly loved it, but her older sister—not so much. Cora preferred the big city nearby. Lilly spent most of her time outdoors. She loved to run around their…

An Unfair Reward

Bible Reading: Matthew 20:1-15; Ephesians 2:8-9 Jonathan and Maeve ran next door to show their report cards to their grandma. “Good job!” she exclaimed and gave them each a candy bar. “Grandma gave Maeve the same thing she gave me,” Jonathan complained to his mom when he and his sister returned home. “That’s not fair!…

The Immovable Rock

Bible Reading: Psalms 18:1-3, 31-32; 121:1-3 Lucy closed her book with a THWAP! “I’ve studied and studied until I can’t even see the numbers on the pages anymore, Mom, but I just know I’m going to fail that math test tomorrow.” “But you’ve studied hard, and you’ve prayed about the test too,” said Mom. “Now…

No Throwaway Friends

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Emma, don’t forget that you need to clean your closet,” said Mom. But the closet was the last thing on Emma’s mind as she finished her snack after school. “Wren said she would sit with me at lunch today, but when I went to the lunchroom, she wasn’t there. She’s…

Buried in the Deepest Sea

Bible Reading: Psalm 103:8-12 “School was rotten today,” Kevin said. “Rotten? Why?” Dad asked. “Was there broccoli in your hot lunch again?” “No.” Kevin grimaced. “But I do hate broccoli. School was rotten because my teacher, Mr. Harper, got arrested for drugs. A bunch of parents are trying to get him fired.” Dad was stunned….

Effort Rewarded

Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Peter 4:12-16 Malik was having a difficult day. While he was in the locker room, he overheard some boys laughing because he had been friendly to a new student who was very awkward. Then at lunchtime, some other boys told him Christians weren’t allowed to sit at their table. The…

All Clean

Bible Reading: Psalm 51:7; Romans 6:23; 1 John 1:9 “Cupcake, where have you been? You’re filthy!” Jenny said to her puppy. Cupcake was covered in mud and sticktights. Jenny scooped him up and took him straight to the bathtub. “Time to get you clean.” Jenny put lots of puppy shampoo on Cupcake and scrubbed and…