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May 14, 2020
Bible Reading: PSALM 56:3; ISAIAH 43:1; MATHEW 14:27-31 “Yay! I get to play in the pool,” Robby exclaimed on his way to swim lessons. “I’m glad you’re excited about learning to swim,” said Dad. As they walked to the pool, Robby saw his teachers at the deep end. One of them did a graceful jump… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: ISAIAH 43:1
May 13, 2020
Bible Reading: JAMES 4:13-15 “It’s so warm and sunny out today. I wish we could go to the beach,” said Keziah at the breakfast table. “Good idea!” said Dad, and Mom nodded. “Let’s go this afternoon. We can bring a picnic and stay to watch the sunset. We’ll plan to leave as soon as I… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: JAMES 4:15
May 12, 2020
Bible Reading: 1 THESSALONIANS 4:11-12; 1 PETER 2:12 “See the world! Travel! Learn a special skill!” urged the announcer on TV. “All you need to do is join the Navy.” “Wow!” said Jude, watching a jet take off from an aircraft carrier on the screen. “That looks like something I’d like to do someday. No… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: TITUS 3:14
May 11, 2020
Bible Reading: PHILIPPIANS 1:21-23; 3:20-21; COLOSSIANS 3:1-3 “You have entered Bear Country.” Logan read aloud the words on the sign posted beside the road. “Bear country! You didn’t say anything about bears when you asked me to camp here this weekend, Grandpa.” Grandpa smiled. “It’s not likely we’ll see any, but it’s good to be… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PHILIPPIANS 3:20
May 10, 2020
Bible Reading: 2 CORINTHIANS 4:5-7 Camisha glanced around and quietly walked through the apartment. She didn’t want her mother to see the small package she carried. She tip-toed down the hall and into her room—but there was her mother, putting neatly folded clothing, fresh from the laundry, onto Camisha’s bed. “Hi, sweetie,” said Mom. “What… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 CORINTHIANS 4:7
May 9, 2020
Bible Reading: PSALM 62:5-8 “Hi, Mom,” Ryder said as he came into the kitchen. His mom was busy packing groceries into a crate. She looked up and smiled. “Hi, honey. We’re going camping.” “Now?” Ryder asked in surprise. “A whole week before school is out?” Mom nodded. “The farmers in this part of Africa have… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PSALM 62:6
May 8, 2020
Bible Reading: MATTHEW 5:38-42 “You know what, Kamryn?” said Sammi as they walked home from church. “I think we should start a Second Mile Club like Mrs. Pratt talked about today—and like it says in those verses we learned. You know—do even more for people than they ask us to do. Go two miles with… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: MATTHEW 5:41
May 7, 2020
Bible Reading: LUKE 12:22-31; EPHESIANS 4:6-7 Luke came home from basketball practice to find Dad in the kitchen making their supper—hot dogs with macaroni and cheese. “All right!” said Luke. “That’s my favorite meal. But I didn’t think Mom liked hot dogs.” “She has a dinner to go to for work tonight, so we’re on… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PHILIPPIANS 4:6
May 6, 2020
Bible Reading: PROVERBS 4:18-27 Micah looked at the pile of bricks his dad was going to use to make a walkway from the front door to the driveway. “Mom, since it’s Dad’s birthday tomorrow, can I surprise him and make the brick walk before he gets home?” Micah asked eagerly. Mom smiled. “You can try… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PROVERBS 4:26
May 5, 2020
Bible Reading: 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-7 “I don’t feel good,” Naomi told her best friend Jessa at recess time. “I’m going to see if I can go to the office and call my mom to come get me.” After talking with her teacher, the call was made. “Get better soon, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” said… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 CORINTHIANS 1:4